Chapter Twenty: No Justice

Start from the beginning

"Not all of them have super speed, you know..." Barry answered. "Some of them might have to take a flight over or something."

"I will not wait here another second." Mineko finally broke, straightening her posture to one of clear defiance. "The longer we delay, the more Yan's influence grows. I will do this myself if I have to."

Barry gulped, and as she attempted to step away, he grabbed her wrist. She turned but he said nothing, at least not verbally. On his face was a look plastered in worry, and dread, as if he had already decided that her fate was to die in this fight.

"You have a warrior's spirit, sister." Diana finally echoed from the back of the room. "I understand, but this is not a battle that can be won alone."

Mineko averted her gaze, obviously struggling to keep still. "Fine, but I'm going to wait there. I prefer a less direct approach than the rest of you are planning. If you face her forces head on, she will be given enough time to flee. Let me go. I can infiltrate Yan's defences and reach her before she has the chance to escape."

Bruce's frown lines deepened. "So you intend on using us as a distraction..."

"Does it matter?" Mineko replied quickly. "We may only have one chance at capturing her. I would be of no help in a frontal attack least not against people like him."

She nodded towards the headshot of Superman which was still visible on the top half of the monitor's screen. Batman glanced from her to the picture, then back again. He squinted, allowing himself a moment to think before nodding.

"Then I'll go with you." Barry said hurriedly. His grip on Mineko had tightened, and the concern in his voice had become so thick that everyone could hear it.

"There is no need. I can do this on my own." Mineko replied, confused by the tone he had suddenly adapted.

"You'll get there faster if I take you." Barry said desperately.

"We need you with us, Barry." Bruce finally interrupted. "We may run into Reverse Flash on our way in. You did say he was the first to be induced by her, correct?"

"Why else would he bring her here?" Wally responded. "She must've found out about where he was from, made him reveal how he does the time travel thing, then taken control of him."

Bruce ignored Wally's unneeded explanation, then returned his stare back to Barry. "She can go, but only if it's without you."

There was no sound that followed Bruce's order, yet everyone was moving... moving and not talking. The air was so brittle it could snap, and if it didn't, Barry might. A few weeks ago Barry would have agreed without a second thought. He ignored any feeling that arose, anything to ease the terrible burden of Iris' death. Anything to avoid ever experiencing grief like that again. But now he couldn't suppress it, and it was painful.

Fearful thoughts looped around in his mind until there was no room for anything else. The 'loop' played like this. If he stayed and allowed Mineko to go alone, then he wouldn't be able to concentrate on fighting Thawne, but if he went with her there was no one that could take him on...and Wally wasn't nearly experienced enough to face him directly. No matter how much faith he had in Mineko's abilities, he would always worry.

"You really are a heartless asshole." Wally spat at Batman, who simply groaned in response. "Don't worry, Barry. I'll go with her."

"I do not need a chaperone!" Mineko raised her voice again, clearly annoyed by all the fuss.

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