I shook my head once more, halting her from going anywhere. I quickly dropped my hand from her bicep, and gulped multiple times to clear my throat. "No, I'm fine. I'm not hungry, but I do have some questions."

Her lips thinned but she nodded. "Very well. What are your questions?"

I raised an eyebrow as I stared at her. "Who are you?"

Her cheeks flushed and she actually hid her face as she chuckled. "Oh my god, that's embarrassing. I can't believe I forgot to introduce myself before as soon as I saw you were awake. Hello, my name is Quinn, and I am a doctor as you can probably tell."

She stretched out her hand, and I slowly shook it as I uttered my name. "Where am I?" I added after the awkward introductions ended.

She turned around, and busied herself with some paperwork as she answered my question. "You, my dear, are in the wolf kingdom."

My jaw dropped and my voice rose a few octaves. "Wait, what? I'm where?"

"You heard me right. You are in the werewolf kingdom Eva. Prince Xavier brought you here knocked out. He thought you had a concussion and decided to bring you here since it was safer for him to bring you here than a normal hospital, with him being a royal wolf. First of all, it would look bad for a supernatural creature to be carrying an unconscious girl, and then second of all, it would be bad for a royal wolf to knock someone unconscious and leave them behind."

My lips were making weird shapes as she continued to speak. I tried to get some words out, but all I could say were some weird noises, and the concerned looks she was giving me made me shut up and listen to what else she had to say.

"There's nothing to worry about. Your clothes are being brought in by-"

"Wait, what?" I repeated again. "My clothes? You know where I'm staying?" My voice was so high, I sounded like a chipmunk who was fighting for a nut.

She nodded as she stared back down at her papers. "It was a bit of trouble, but after reviewing a few tapes and following your scent, we managed..."

"My scent!?" I had no idea why I was freaking out. They were supernaturals, and this was totally normal for them! But for me... gosh... maybe I was getting a headache.

She laughed breathlessly and laid a soft hand on my arm. "I know this is a lot to take in, but take deep breaths. You are safe Eva. Nothing will happen to you, and you won't have to worry about looking for a place to stay at for a few weeks." My cheeks burned at the mention of my living conditions, and I opened my mouth to ask how she knew about that. "No one carries all of their personal belongings if they are just taking a trip. Passports and birth certificates are usually left at home, somewhere safe and sound, not still stuck in the luggage.

I frowned as I realized they had looked through my luggage, but the anger quickly dissipated. They were royals; of course they would search items that didn't belong to the royal family. Who knew what dangerous things people were carrying.

"Why do I have to say for a few weeks? Can't you give me another contract for me to sign so I can live on with my life?" I saw her wince, but then pause, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What do you mean by another contract?" My eyes widened as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This has happened before?"

I chewed on my bottom lip as I looked away. Fuck... I just damned him...

"Eva..." she threatened and I squirmed in my spot.

"It was an accident, and I don't blame him. I am a very clumsy girl, and I don't watch where I'm going, so..." I trailed off as I saw her shaking her head and muttering something underneath her breath. "Please don't punish him or something. I know I'm just a human and he is a supernatural who can take care of himself, but I would hate myself if I got someone into trouble because of me. I already promised I wouldn't press any charges the first time, and I won't do it this time as well, so can I please go?"

She looked confused. "But don't you..." she stared at me for a good minute before she sighed and shook her head. She tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and hugged the clipboard to her chest as she spoke. "I'm sorry, but you can't leave. You're were seen with him for a few seconds at the time of your injury, and again once they ushered you out the car and into the building. The press is going crazy, and I'm afraid we demand for you to stay until they calm down and let you leave in peace."

I groaned and slumped back into the bed, covering my eyes with my arm. It was silent for a while until her soft voice broke it. Her words were barely above a whisper, but I heard them, and that made my breathing hitch and stop.

"Besides... I know everything about you. Everything." I froze and she continued. "I won't tell anyone, but I think you should enjoy this until it's time. It's free, and you will be treated like royalty, since you are a guest of Xavier." I stayed completely still, still not breathing as she sighed deeply and walked away. I heard the door opening, but I didn't hear it close. "I'll tell them you're conscious, but want your privacy. I'll send someone with some food here in a few minutes. I'll see you soon Eva." The door closed and with that, my breathing started again. I uncovered my eyes, and stared at the white ceiling above me.

She knew... she knew....

Choosing Fate (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now