Chapter 1

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Here we were again for the fourth time in four year and by “we” I mean my father and I. You see, my mother left us right after I was born saying she couldn’t handle a child so it’s been me and my father for as long as I could remember.

“You best get going.”

“Huh” I said snapping out of my thoughts. “Yeah, I should.”

“Bye sweetheart, have a great year.” He said kissing my head.

“Bye dad.” I smiled starting to head to the beloved Hogwarts train.

“I love you Wine-pooh!” He yelled. My head snapped back to where he stood, wearing a sheepish smile on his face. Looking around to see if anyone had heard, I jogged to his side with a soft read blush on my cheeks.

 “Dad!” I whispered exasperated. “I love you too, but no more yelling okay?”

“Sure dear, now go.”

So when I got to the train, this time without being interrupted, I started to look for a compartment. This kind of became a tradition; me and my father would almost be late due to his constant forgetfulness, then he’d embarrass me, after that I’d get an empty compartment, and finally I’d get out a book and read. So, once I’d found a vacant compartment, I sat down pulled out my book and read.

As the train got closer to the castle I looked up from my book and noticed that it had started to rain. ‘Lovely, rain on the first day back.’ Ithought bitterly, rushing to put on my robes. I had apparently lost track of time and was the last one out of the train. Rushing to the last carriage just as it was about to leave, feeling disappointed that  it was not empty but getting in anyway as it was much better to ride with two second years than having to walk to the castle with rain.

The ride to the castle was rather awkward; the two girls would flinch every time I moved as if waiting for me to attack or something. Rolling my eyes I thought ‘Gryffindor’s, always so dramatic’. The second the carriage stopped they both jumped out looking relieved, I mean honestly am I that scary? I think not. Sprinting to the entrance, helplessly using my arms to block the small droplets of water that came down with a furious velocity, towards my face.

Inside was no better, since Peeves the Poltergeist thought it would be funny to drop water balloons on the already wet students. Suddenly there was a quite girly shriek, straining my eyes to see who was Peeves new victim, discovering it was that Weasley boy that always hung out with Potter. Smirking, I started to push my way to the front, making sure to dodge that bloody poltergeist, so I could get to the great hall.

Sitting at the slytherin table, tapping impatiently my finger nails, waiting for the first years to come in to the great hall, which was now dark, imitating the sky outside. After a few moments, the young witches and wizards arrived whispering and amazed but with anxiousness written all over there small faces. Professor McGonagall walked up and placed a wooden stool down, then a battered old hat on top with all eyes on her. After a few moments the hat opened its mouth and started to sings as it did every year;

A thousand years or more ago

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream;

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