"Beg for mercy," I command. He refuses, but is clearly incapable of standing, as I can tell. "You don't want mercy? Well, that might make my job a little easier!" I push the piece of earth he sits on into the chasm, then close it up as soon as he goes down, along with his broken half mask. I know it's too harsh, a voice is telling me to calm down, the Titans are watching me, terrified, and I feel my darker emotions go out, and into the wind. A loud rumbling behind me makes me shift my head. There. At the top of the mountain. A loose rock, going to fall any second. And Raven is unconscious beneath it.

None of the other Titans notice, and none are close enough to reach her, anyway. The rock is too far off for me to control, and as that thought crosses my mind, the boulder tumbles, carrying more with it. "AVALAAAANCHE! RAAAAAVEEEEEEN!!!" I scream, launching myself towards her. Beast Boy freezes and watches me, as do the other Titans. I use the earth beneath me to push myself forward, closer to Raven. The rocks are almost there, and there has to be at least a metric ton's worth of them. Raven is still unconscious. Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire are too far. I'm the only one close enough, and she's covering earth beneath her that I can't move, not fast enough. I don't give it a second thought. I run harder, faster, more powerfully than Earth probably would allow on a typical basis without adrenaline. At the last second, I shove Raven off to the side, out from under the rocks.

After that, darkness. A sickening crack. Screams. Tears. Names being shouted. The pressure of thousands of pounds of rocks on top of me. No light. No hope. No escape. I close my eyes, allow the blackness to surround me, and let go.

Beast Boy

I release a loud cry of anguish. It happened too fast for my mind to keep up with, but my feet could. I'm already running to the rocks that just crushed Terra. That just crushed the girl who narrowly saved Raven's life. I shift into a gorilla and start pulling away rock after rock after rock, tears forming in my eyes. "Terra! It's okay Terra you're gonna be okay it's alright you're fine just hold on don't let go stay here please Terra just wait for us!"

"Beast Boy, it's too late," Robin says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No, it's not too late! She's okay! She needs to be okay! She has to!"

"Beast Boy." I look up to see Raven, with tears in her eyes. She's showing emotion.

"No, listen to me! You said she's still a statue and she wasn't, you said it wasn't her at school, you were wrong both times! You have to be wrong this time! You have to!" Raven slowly moves aside the rocks on top, revealing a strand of blond hair. I quickly shove off more until I can see her face, her bruised, battered and bloody face. Raven helps lift her out from under the rocks, and sets her on the ground. Quickly, I lift her wrist, where I feel no pulse.

"Raven, heal her! Come on, do it! It's not too late, it can't be too late! Heal her!" Tears pour freely from my eyes as I look pleadingly at Raven, then Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg. They all gaze down at me with pity, knowing that I can't comprehend this. My mind won't let me. I shake Terra, willing her to wake up, stop bleeding, and start breathing. I beg her to come back, to be okay, for none of this to have happened. She doesn't move, and I feel her getting colder underneath me. I bury my head into her stomach and sob, not thinking, not talking, just crying my eyes out.

"Beast Boy, she's gone. You need to accept it so we can move on," Robin commands me. I hear no emotion in his voice. Just the stone cold words of some guy I happen to know.

"If you hadn't locked her up, none of this would have happened!" I yell, lashing my claws out at him. "This is your fault! You had to go crazy, and now Terra's gone because of it!" I jump up and tackle him, but Cyborg and Starfire restrain me. This is exactly like when Terra left last time, but Robin and Cyborg switched places. "What about you, huh? You still hate her?" I yell, now angry at Cyborg. He stands up and releases me, giving me a chance to drop onto Terra and hang on for dear life-hers, if I could be so lucky. I see a black platform underneath us, and the ground falling away-Raven's magic. She pulls us along back to the tower, with me crying on Terra the whole way.

Beast Boy *later, around 11 p.m. same night*

I sit on the sand outside the tower, our own private little beach, rocking back and forth on my heels. A stereo is playing beside me, with Tim McGraw singing 'Don't Take the Girl' in a low tone.

"That's a nice song." I look up to see Raven approaching behind me, hood down.

"Yeah." I prop my chin up on my knees, looking out over the water, in the same position I've been for the past few hours.

"You know, even though she's gone, you can still live out her memory. We may not have Terra with us anymore, but you can bet we're gonna force people to remember her." I don't even crack a half smile at that. "Robin wants to know what you wanted to do with her, um. . . body."

I gaze up at her. "You're going to say it's stupid."

"No I won't."

I release a deep sigh. "I want to find a way to encase her in stone, and put her where she was when she saved us."

"That's amazing. I'll find a way to do it with my magic. We can hold a memorial for her."

"That would be great. Thanks, Rae. . .ven."

"You can call me Rae, if you want."

I grin. "Thanks Rae."

Another song drifts onto the radio station, and we stop talking to listen.

We'll do it all


On our own

We don't need


Or anyone

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I grin up at Raven, and slowly move in closer to her, while she does the same. "Beast Boy. . ." she begins.

"Yo! The most awesome blonde ever just kicked Slade's butt! Time to have an eating celebration!" Cyborg yells out the tower window. We freeze, then laugh normally. Raven stops quickly to hide her emotions, but now we're that much closer. When we break into the kitchen, Cyborg and I launch into a meat vs. tofu argument. As usual, we come to a happy medium, and I sigh.

Almost normal.

A Teen Titan Again (complete)Where stories live. Discover now