Chapter 3 - The Accident

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"Now let's go eat. I know you didn't have a lot of food on Jakku, so just remember to take tiny bites and eat as slowly as possible. I don't want you to make yourself feel sick."

Leia walked with her to the dining area. She thought to herself: I also don't want you wolfing down your dinner like a wild Loth Cat and scaring away my Son with your lack of table manners.

Although really at this point, it would probably take a lot more than that to scare him away. He seemed pretty smitten with her and with her heat in the very early stages, well...she couldn't be happier with how things had played out. Leia smiled to herself.

She left Rey at the table so she could have a quick word with her son.

Ben was still in the guest bedroom. He was dressed but sat on the edge of his bed looking distressed. There was a sheen of sweat on his brow and his eyes were far away. It looked like he was in shock.

"Ben, what's wrong?"

"Mother, something has happened to me. I'm pretty sure I imprinted on Rey." He still wouldn't look at her.

"Honey, you couldn't have, I mean you have to be a virgin for that to have happened, weren't you and Phasma....."

"Define virgin. She and I were into mutual gratification, but I never penetrated her, or anyone else." Kriff. Could this be any more awkward?

"Male imprintation, I mean it's so rare....and you have to stimulate a scent gland, at just the right time, just before a first heat.....I mean you haven't touched her right?"

"Did you see her little wrists? I accidentally brushed her wrist when I was squeezing by her in the doorway earlier, and I'm pretty sure they weren't pink then.

Then I smelled her scent change and thought someone else was touching her or something and ran out there so I could literally kill them and saw her looking confused with her little pink wrists.

I just met her and I'm ready to kill for her. So yeah, pretty sure I imprinted. You can't tell me she's ever had a heat before, very clear that she hasn't."

"No, we had her examined when she was out, she's never presented and of course she's a virgin."

"You what? Mother, really. So you knew that putting her in my quarters would trigger a heat for her. I bet you were hoping to pheromone bond her to me too. Does your propensity for machinations know no limit!"

"I'm sorry son. I am. But she's out there waiting for you and now it appears you are bound to her, so go. Go talk to her. Just don't move too quickly. With your imprint now your instincts are going to be pushing you to claim her. Take it slow. She's lovely, she really is."

"Only if you stay here. I don't want you meddling with us anymore. I would be really angry with you right now if she weren't the perfect mate for me and now, the sole purpose for my existence."

"Alright Ben. I will try to stay out of it. I do love you son, whether you believe me or not, I do. This might not be a bad thing."

"It wouldn't be, except for the tiny detail you are leaving out of this conversation. You know, the part where if one of us dies, so does the other. That. With me being a warrior and the Emperor, always having a target on my back, that automatically puts her in danger and if my enemies knew, they would try to kill her to get rid of me. That tiny detail."

He took a deep breath and headed to the dining area.
Rey was seated at the head of the table dressed in a fur robe. She was stunning, even with no make-up, no coiffed hairdo, no jewels, none of the usual things that women did to beautify themselves, she didn't need any of those things, she was magnificent just the way she was.

The Lycan in You and I ( A Reylo Romance )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora