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A/n :
Ok so I decided that I want to make you 8 months pregnant by Christmas time just because I can and will!!! Also time Skip to December 21st

Y/n has been getting really tried and slow lately which is completely understandable with her being 8 months pregnant and what not. "Hey Tom I'm gonna go finish up Christmas shopping with your mom.bye" "woah woah woah, you sure this a good idea y/n" I said while looking at her stomach. "Yep, and don't worry your mom will be with me".

Time Skip to when she gets back with Nikki

When the girls got home I ran over to y/n to pick her up in a hug. But before I could my mum stopped me and said "Tom hold up we need to wrap the presents" "oi, come on why can't I just hug my girlfriend for a minute" I pleaded. Then my mum gave me a very stern look and walked into the guest room.Y/n then quickly ran past me and into our room but before she could close the door I slipped through it and tackled her onto the bed but gently considering she is very pregnant. "Tom stop it i have to wrap these presents" "Darling I'll help you" "Thomas No" She said strictly and pushed me out the door this time successfully pushing me out.

I pushed him out of the room and started wrapping the presents and as soon as I was done I waddled our of the room towards Tom. Although I used to sit in his lap I now have gotten used sitting right by him instead. "Hey Darling" Tom whispered into my ear as to not disturb the movie playing. I just smiled back and layed my head on his shoulder. After a while Tom got up and started playing:

Me and Tom started to dance together and so did Toms parents all while Toms brothers just sighed and one would occasionally say "whatta cliche" but me and Tom were stuck in our own world. The song stopped and we all talked for a couple of hours before we all headed of to bed.

Time Skip to 1:34 am
Toms POV
Y/n woke up a few minutes ago complaining of sharp pains and then just now her water broke.. "Holy Shit Tom" she cried out. It truly pained me to see y/n in so much pain. But I knew I had to get her to the hospital. "Ok y/n come on let's get in the car and go to the hospital" I said as I grabbed the hospital bag that she packed weeks ago just in case something like this happened. "Oh fuck" y/n yelled as we started to get into the car. "Soon started the car and rushed off to the hospital which honestly was a surprise because I've never been able to go over 20 miles per hour in this town.

As soon as we got inside the hospital they threw me in a wheel chair and ran me to a room two floors above. Tom just looked very nervous. When we got in the room they found out my contractions were two minutes apart and the nurse just kept asking me why we didn't come in sooner. But in all honesty I did know what contractions were so I just thought it was a normal part of pregnancy. "Ok miss Holland it looks like it is time to push" The very nice doctor Grey said with a smile, I also noticed how pretty she was which made me really jealous for some reason. Also me and Tom aren't married maybe she saw his name and thought we are married, whatever. Oh shit this baby is killing me. "Can I get some medicine please" I begged but unfortunately the doctor said "I'm sorry but your too late you have to push now" she said really calmly. " ok on three 1......2.......3" She said a little louder than before because I was practically screaming at the top of my lungs. "Thomas. Fuck. You.ahhhhh" I screamed as I pushed. They told me to push again and by this point I was so tired I did not want to push again but they said they just needed one more push and the baby would be out. As I pushed again I made the loudest scream in the world I'm quite sure. I looked over to Tom and saw that he looked petrified by what was going on but regardless he held my hand and kept telling me that I got this and that I was almost done. After my last push I heard a baby crying but not just any baby mine well not just mine but Me and Toms baby.

As soon as the baby was out I ran over to the baby and when the nurse turned around she handed me a baby boy. I walked over to y/n and handed her our son. "Congratulations y/n we had a boy" I said as I hugged her. After a few minutes sitting like that and admiring our son a nurse came over and said "I'm so sorry but we need to run a few test on him and don't worry it shouldn't take more than an hour" we then passed her our son and she wheeled him out in a cart."Tom you should call our parents and let them know" Y/n said to me and then after a few seconds she had fallen asleep. After I called all of our family members for the most part I walked back into the room and held our son who was brought back while I was finishing the last phone call.

I woke up and looked at the clock to see what time it was, 8:47 pm the clock read. Oh shit I thought as I slowly sat up. I looked around the room to see my parents and Toms parents all admiring our son. But I couldn't seem to find Tom anywhere near them. " hey guys, whatcha think, cute baby right" I said and everyone's attention turned to me. "Awe y/n your awake" my dad said as he and Susan came up to me and gave me a big hug. Then Toms parents came up to me and gave me a hug. " hey where is Tom at" I asked. But of course right on cue Tom walks in with a cup of tea and a cup of coffee. " oh darling your awake, perfect her is your tea" he said as he passed me the tea. Tom then sat on the bed besides me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. But not even two seconds of getting to cuddle with Tom our adorable son starts to cry fairly loud, to which everyone looks over at me and Nikki hands him to me. After two minutes of trying to figure out what was wrong with him felt myself start to tear up a but because I felt like an awful mother since I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. "Y/n he is hungry I think" Nikki exclaimed. Of course he is hungry he hasn't had anything to drink yet or at least that I know of. "Ok out" Tom said to all of the kids although Toms parents left to go with them probably because Nikki thought that we would feel uncomfortable, but considering what they saw the other day this was way more comfortable. "Here you go y/n" Tom said as he passed me the drapes for your boobs as he calls them. I took them from him and started to try and figure things out but it was really hard to understand so I called Tom over to see if he could help. "Ok y/n so I think he is supposed to latch on not figure it out on his own but you also have to guide him" Tom said as he helped me latch the baby on.

Time Skip to the next morning

Me and Tom decided that we wanted to name our son Oliver because we thought it just fit the way he looked. "Ok now miss Holland will you sign these discharge papers and then we will have you on your way out" the nurse said. This time I actually felt like correcting her. "It's Downey actually Holland is Oliver and Toms last name, sorry I just didn't want that to bug me in my future" as I said this Tom who was holding Oliver looked really sad all of the sudden, but he tried to hide it. "Hey Tom are you ok, you seem sad" I asked him.

Toms POV
I was really hurt by what y/n said I mean sure I'm probably over reacting but it still even though it's not her last name it sounded really nice. "Yeah I'm good just really tired" I lied to her. But of course she saw right through me and even said "Thomas don't lie to me I know your upset just please tell me why?" She said softly. Not wanting to lie to her I just told her "I don't know it's just I really liked it when They were calling you miss Holland, it fits you" I said hoping she would say something like I would love to be called miss Holland she just hugged me instead. Then we left the hospital and I'll be honest the ride back was extremely silent and very awkward.

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