After the fight

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It's been two months since I have last talked to y/n without us ending up in a argument. I miss the old us . I know it sounds like we have a super unhealthy relationship to all our friends a few even suggested that we just quit it all and break up but off course they don't know she is pregnant.

Ugh I miss Tom so much, and it doesn't help that my pregnancy hormones all want me to go get some action with Tom but at the same time I'm still mad at him although I'm not sure and even when we fight it's because I am being too stubborn and won't agree with Tom. Last week Tom was changing in the middle of the living room and hadn't noticed I had gotten back from the store, I won't lie and say I didn't glance at him because I did more than that I fucking stared.

Today when I came home from the gym y/n had a whole dinner made and welcomed me home with a big hug which made me the happiest man in the world. We talked for two hours and we put an end to our stupid fight. After dinner i helped her clean up and soon I told her I had to go take a shower from working out at the gym and sweating because I sweat like a bloody cow.

As soon as Tom walked into our room with him towel only on I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug and many kisses, plus I might've slipped off his towel... at first Tom looked shocked and surprised that his pregnant girlfriend would play him like that and that shock soon turned into a look of lust and he wasted no time removing my clothes...... the next morning I woke up to Tom holding my belly and kissing it.

Y/n woke up and after giving her belly some kisses I kissed her on the lips. Y/n also was showing a lot by this point on and considering that we didn't really y'all to each other until yesterday her parents are the only ones who know at this point.
*Ding *Ding *Ding
"Coming" I shout. As I get to the door of our room y/n starts to die of laughter and then throws me a pair of underwear and it then dawned on me I was about to answer the door naked. I blew a kiss at her and quickly put on my boxers, then i bolted to the door only to see my parents and all three of my brothers. ( also I know that the Met Gala happens in like May and the story should be in October but for the sake of the story it is December 13th). "Hello Thomas how are you?" "Good Mum, but what are you all doing here?" I questioned at there arrival "well it's the 13th Tom , remember when you called to invite us here for Christmas" "oh yeah that's right, here just come here and sit in the living room" I nervously say. I quickly look in the old guest bedroom that now also has a baby bed and a few other things but besides that is still functional. "Hey Mum and Dad I oh shit....."

I quickly got dressed into something slutty so Tom and me can continue what we did last night. Soon enough I walk straight into the living room and see Toms entire family standing there.
Oh shit I completely forgot they were coming. After only a second Tom comes out and says "mum and dad I oh shit....." I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes and Tom saw it to so he ran over to me and used he body as barrier and walked me back to our room. As soon as he closed the door i cried a lot more than I have in the past well at least before I was pregnant. "Y/n don't cry please don't cry" Tom begged.

I sat with y/n for about ten minutes comforting her before I got up a did what I had to do. " Tom please don't leave me I don't wanna be alone right now." She said on the verge of sobbing. " I'll be right back I need to talk to my family first" "ok" . I soon walked out to the living room to see my brothers all on the couch playing on the Wii and my parents in the kitchen making what looked to be a feast. I walked over to the kitchen and before I could say anything my dad spoke up. " so your gonna be a dad soon, I'm so excited for the two of you, I can tell you two are gonna be great parents also don't worry about your brothers, we explained to them that they're brother was abouto to get lucky" my mum glared at my dad while hitting him for the last part of the comment. " you were supposed to leave that part out Dom. Now go back to comfort y/n, Tom" she spoke kindly. Wow that was so fucking weird. I quickly sprinted back to y/n and cuddled up with her although I couldn't help but get a bit turned on from what she was wearing.

I was so embarrassed by what had happened earlier that day, Tom comforted me by snuggling with me and we watched t.v. for the rest of the day. "Dinners ready" I heard Nikki shout out. "Tom help me up" I pleaded considering I feel like a helpless whale. He reaches out his hands and pulls me up. I quickly throw on some sweat pants and a tee shirt.

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