"Tell you what. I'll get something down within the next hour, and I'll show it to you IF you write too." Grr. I groan and agree, and the following hour is filled with silence, besides the sound of pencils scratchhing on paper and erasers removing mistakes. Terra doesn't use her eraser the few times I look up. She just scribbles down word after word, and crosses off things she doesn't like. I tap my eraser to my chin, then put lead to paper.

Colors of Us

Green eyes.
Green skin.
Green hair.
Green jealousy with another.

Purple hair.
Purple eyes.
Purple Passion.

Blue cloak.
Blue sadness when we're apart.

Pink cheeks when I see him.
Pink Happy when we're together.

Red ajna chakra stone.
Red cloak seal.
Red belt gems.
Red rage when we fight.

Yellow rings around my belt.
Yellow Knowledge that I trust him.

Orange rudeness when I hide my feelings.

Brown dirt she controlled.
Brown dirt that amazed you.

White me at full power.
White eyes.

Gray skin from another dimension.
Gray areas around our connection.
Gray nervousness talking to you.

Black hero costumes.
Black magic.
Black deepness beneath me.

I place my pencil at my side, satisfied by my work, and hear a loud cheering in my head-Passion. I look across from me to see Terra in the same position. "You done?" she asks. I nod, and she replies, "Me too. Time to switch!" I crawl over and hand her my paper, while at the same time taking hers. I scoot back to my wall, and put my eyes on the first line.


"Margaret, watch out!" I'm screaming at my little sister as she widens her eyes. They grow bigger than the headlights. I watch, frozen, as she stares ahead. She's there, she's there, she's... not there. Just red, red all around. Red stains the concrete, my clothes, the truck. Red is everywhere, every place I turn, red clouds, red sky, red building, red-
Red ceiling. I jerk up, heart pounding. Tears stream out of my eyes faster than the sweat pouring off my face. I whimper, looking away from the ceiling, the walls, anything to avoid it. That stupid color just had to be the one of the room I was assigned.
Sighing, I tumble out of the cot I have to use as a bed-right onto a pile of hardcover books. Great idea mom, let's go live in an old abandoned library! It'll give you more ammunition, to say the least.
I pick my way over the collections strewn across the room, over to one I remember covering some clean clothes with. I push them aside, delve my hands in, and pull out a purple hoodie, jeans, and ratty shoes. The hoodie is warm, albeit large, the jeans hang over my toes, and the shoes are basically just paper wrapped over my feet. All in all, a terrible social cue, but good for blending in and being unnoticed. Hopefully.
~By me, this is my other story 'Shadowalkers-Unseen' (P.S. I took it down, it's on hold)

The story doesn't end there. There's a good five more pages, at least. That must be why her stack of sheets looked thicker than mine. I gaze at her, and see Terra biting her thumbnail, going over my paper, eyes wide and watery. She feels my gaze, and looks up into my amethyst eyes.

"You need to show him this," she whispers.

"What about you?" I retort, "All of these words are trapped inside of you, Terra, this is amazing. You wrote so much in an hour? You need to keep doing this. This is the perfect way to let out your emotions." She shakes her head, looking at the floor. "Why not? It's great! It's packed with words, I don't even need to read the rest!"

"It's awful," she murmurs.

"No it isn't! What in the name of Azar are you talking about?" I'm shocked she thinks that.

"I've had the first few pages written for awhile. You can tell, they're all creased. I've been holding them in my pocket." I look down. They are, in fact, I just hadn't noticed. "It's not good," she whispers.

"Why on Azarath would you think that!" I yell. I know I shouldn't do this, my emotions will go haywire later, but I can't take it. She doesn't even shrink under my gaze.

"He told me so," she answers softly.


"Robin," comes her sad answer.

"When would he have done that?" I feel my face heating up in anger.

"The night I took Beast Boy to the amusement park. Earlier, I was writing in the ops room, and I didn't hear him come in. He must have been reading over my shoulder, because the next thing I knew, a hand reached over me and grabbed the papers and pen from my hand. He snapped the pen in half, and threw my story into the fire, then told me off for working on a story instead of preparing for the next battle. I went to my room, and later was when Beast Boy came. Half of the reason I went was to get away from Robin. The other half was, well. . ."

"Me?" A new voice sounds from the bars. Terra whips her head up, terrified.

A Teen Titan Again (complete)Where stories live. Discover now