I Promise, Brother

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Thor looked around the room, an emptiness filling his chest. A sad smile graced his face as he saw his friends be reunited with their loved ones. The joy that emanated from them was tangible; so corporeal that is physically hurt Thor. It was a cruel mockery of the pain he had gone through losing his brother this final time. Loki was all he had left; after everything Thor had done with him, after every bitter betrayal and heartfelt reunion, Loki had finally left him for good. He heard the happy voices surround him. He heard every proclamation of love and every tearful 'I miss you'. He heard everything he wished he had been able to tell his brother one last time. Instead, the last words Loki heard from him had been 'you truly are the worst brother'. Something that Thor never truly believed. So much was left unsaid and yet, he was forced to keep his words of love and appreciation between himself and Loki's ghost.

Despite his deep grief, no tears fell down Thor's face for there were far too many feelings coursing through him. Slowly, he dragged his feet towards Dr. Strange.

"Y-you said that you reversed everything that Thanos did with the time stone." Thor mumbled weakly. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sorry Thor." The doctor sighed. "I did everything I could."

Thor nodded solemnly and sat back on his perch by the large window. From his vantage point, he could see the sprawling universe, decorated with stars, and painted with deep blues and purples. Every time Thor looked out at the universe, it was different; never did it cease to amaze him. From the corner of Thor's vision, he saw an incipient black speck. At first, he believed it to be a mere comet or a hunk of space debris, but as it got closer, it began to don the shape of a ship. Refusing to get his hopes up, Thor stared at the ship apathetically, simply hoping that it was not an enemy. Once the ship was fully in vision, Thor knew exactly to whom it belonged. It was one of Asgard's own, the one the population had escaped on after Asgard was destroyed! Quickly, Thor's eyes lit up.

"Open the docking port!" He commanded, pushing the happy Avengers aside. "It's an Asgardian ship!"

"On it!" Steve ran to the control panel, pushing the necessary buttons. "You're sure they're not the enemy, right Thor?"

"Positive." Thor said with determination. Though his brother may not be on the ship, at least he'd be reunited with some of his people.

Anticipation surged through Thor's body as the leader of the other ship began to lead the Asgardians onto the ship of the Avengers. He recognized many of the civilians that began to file into the storage hull of the ship; his face blossomed in a smile when he saw the tall, rock body of his new friend Korg and the smaller, yet even more fierce Valkyrie. It seemed as if all of the passengers had exited; Thor sighed again, yet he was not quite as broken as before. Still, he would always miss his brother more than anything. This time, he would truly erect a statue in commemoration of Loki. Beneath him would be a plaque that spoke only of his wit, love, and cunning.

Just as the doors of the Asgardian ship were about to close, a thin, horned figure came strutting through the aforementioned door and into the ship. With bravado, he pushed past the civilians and opened the doors to the main cabin.

"Thor." He muttered, smiling affectionately at his brother. "You made it too."

"Loki!" Thor cried, running towards the smaller god. "Loki! You're alive!"

His eyes finally filling with tears of joy, Thor threw his large body at his brother, knocking him clean off his feet. Loki coughed several times, pushing himself up to meet Thor's teary gaze.

"Brother." Loki murmured. "I was so worried. I don't know what happened. One minute I was being strangled by Thanos and the next-"

Thor interrupted Loki's rant by wrapping his arms around him. For once, Loki reciprocated the hug, burying his face into Thor's shoulder.

"Don't leave me ever again." Thor whispered, not letting Loki move. "I can't stand to lose you ever again."

Thor felt Loki breathe out deeply, as if at a loss for words. "I-" Loki started, his voice soft and lacking its typical sarcasm, "I promise, brother."

"I love you Loki."

"I love you too."

A/N: Wowee that was sad. In my defense, I was listening to Les Miserables and my best friend was drawing the most sad picture of Thor and Loki hugging known to man. 

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