A Stabbing in the Library

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Loki heard the light pitter of rain fall on to the roof of the library. Embracing the sound he sunk deeper into his chair and turned the page of his book. For once, his oaf of a brother was not bothering him; he was busy with homework, which Loki deemed rather simple, but his idiot brother lacked the cranial capacity to finish it in a timely matter.

Loki felt his muscles tense as he heard footsteps approaching the grand, gilded door of the library. Mentally, he prayed that the incipient footsteps belonged to his mother and not Thor or father as the last two were...difficult to deal with. All hope was lost when the doors swung open abruptly, revealing his tall, blond brother. Loki had to sit on his hands to prevent himself from summoning his favorite daggers.

"Ah, Thor." He murmured contempt filling his voice. "Whatever you are here for, I advise you get it over with. You've already bothered me."

"Don't be so mean, brother." Thor whined, draping his large body onto Loki's chair. "The homework is just so hard."

"That is only because you're an idiot."

"I am not." Thor disagreed, punching Loki's shoulder.

The smaller god took a steadying breath before looking back to his book. He wasn't in the mood for duking it out with his brother at the current moment, so he decided to ignore him.

"Loki~" Thor whined again, his head uncomfortably close to Loki's ear. "Wanna spar? No. I have to do my homework, so we can't spar now. But I really don't want to do homework! It's so hard. You can do it, right? Please? Please?"

Loki's patience was reaching a breaking point. He didn't have much patience to begin with, but whatever abysmal amount he had was running seriously thin. With as much force as possible, Loki slammed his book shut and turned to Thor. "If I do your homework, will you leave me alone?" He capitulated, raising a single, dark eyebrow.

"Yes! Of course!" Thor insisted shoving his set of crumpled papers into Loki's face. "I just don't get math at all. When I'm king, I'm going to ban it!"

"That's stupid." Loki commented, taking the paper from Thor's hands. "Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can ban it forever. Unless it's banning older brothers. When I'm king I'll ban all older brothers. Actually, they can exist, the younger brother will just have all the authority."

"That's even more stupid." Thor muttered. "Please, brother, just do my homework."

"I know, I know. I'm doing it." Loki placed the papers onto the table in front of him and quickly scanned them. "You've answered nearly every question wrong." He murmured, shaking his head with disappointment.

"Oh." Thor looked down dejectedly. "But you'll fix them, right?"

"Yes, brother." Loki quickly filled out the sheets, passing them back to Thor quickly. "That was simple, you witless oaf."

Thor looked taken-aback. "At least I'm not pathetic and scrawny!"

"Absolute swine."

"Bookish coward."

"I am not a coward and at least I have some semblance of a brain!" Loki retorted indignantly.

"I know, I know." Thor laughed. "I love you Loki." With that, he tackled the god to the ground in a debilitating hug, breaking several of the legs of Loki's chair.

Feeling the air be thoroughly knocked out of his lungs, Loki emitted a high-pitched, guttural groan. His chest ached terribly and Thor was not getting off. "Get off!" Loki choked out, trying futilely to push his brother off of him.

Thor didn't respond, but instead turned his head to grin at his brother.

Loki tried one more time to push the iron hulk that was his brother off of him, but was met with more failure. He truly had no other choice. Wriggling his arm out from underneath Thor, he summoned his dagger; with a mischievous smile, he plunged the blade into his brother's back, burying it all the way to the hilt.

Thor tensed in pain, his body arching upward for just enough time to allow Loki to slither out from under him. Taking deep breaths, Loki replenished his previously oxygen-deprived lungs.

"Don't do that, brother." Loki chastised, grabbing Thor's legs so that he could drag him to the healing room. "I can and I will stab you. As you can see, I just did."

"Loki..." Thor groaned, growing dizzy from the loss of blood.

Quickly Loki realized that Thor was simply too heavy for him to carry. He tried again to drag the young god out the door, but was unable to move Thor's limp body more than a few centimeters. He cursed silently to himself, mulling over the options that he had. He could leave Thor here to bleed out and die, he could make a mechanism to move Thor, but risk him bleeding out before he was finished, or he could call for his mother. Mother would not be happy, but he couldn't just let Thor die. He'd be in even more trouble if he did that. Taking a deep breath and building up courage, he called for his mother. "Mother! Thor is hurt! Come quickly!"

Within seconds, Frigga came running through the door, a look of worry plastered on her face. "Loki, what hap-" she looked at the scene in front of her. The dagger embedded in Thor certainly belonged to Loki. "I don't even know where to start."

"I-I'm sorry mother." Loki whispered. The apology to his mother was sincere, but he didn't feel a bit of remorse towards his brother. He absolutely deserved that stab.

"I know you're not sorry about stabbing your brother Loki." Frigga sighed, a deadpanned look replacing the worried one. "I doubt any amount of chastising is going to stop you from stabbing your brother again, but at least let me teach you healing magic."

Loki nodded and knelt over his brother's limp body.

"Loki..." Thor muttered again with as much malice as he could in his currently half-conscious state.

"Now do as I do." Frigga instructed, placing her hands above Thor. "Channel raw magic to your hands as you do to begin any spell. Now," she placed her hand on the stab wound, "focus on knitting the blood vessels, tissue, muscles, and skin back together."

Loki nodded.

"Now you finish it."

Tensing his face in concentration, Loki's hands began to glow a light green. Slowly, the skin around Thor's wound knit itself back together; soon, all that was left was a light scar. Loki fell forwards onto his knees, breathing heavily. "That..." he began breathlessly, "is very difficult."

"You'll get the hang of it soon." Frigga commended, helping Loki to his feet. "Now I'm going to get Thor to his room. He'll probably sleep for the rest of the day."

Thor proudly turned his homework into his teacher.

"It was easy." He gloated, lingering in the front of the classroom to see his teacher's reaction.

"Thor," she began, "every answer here is wrong!"

Thor shot a murderous look at his brother.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! After the tragedies of Infinity War, I suddenly had a bout of inspiration. 

Please vote, comment, and enjoy!

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