"Wow, you really know how to get under moms skin don't you?" Caleb say applauding the performance that I just put on.

"Well, Louis did nothing wrong and she's been holding a grudge since the day she met him. I had to do something." I say defending myself.

"Speaking of Louis, where is he?"

"He's down the road, do you mind walking with me?"

"Of course let's go." He says.

"So what do you and Louis have planned this week?" I shrug.

"Louis said he has it all planned out and for me not to worry. We just wanted to get out of town, out of sight of everyone because of everything going on." He nods.

"Yeah, I get you. Drama, and stuff. You know Elizabeth and I took a trip like this before I proposed. We were all by ourselves, no interruptions. The trip actually made me realize it was time. We had talked about marriage months prior, but just being alone with her on that trip was how I knew she was the one." Caleb says smiling. I love the look on his face when he talks about the love of his life.

All of a sudden I start worrying. "You don't think Louis will-"

"No of course not, I'm sure you guys have talked about it. Neither one of you are ready for that big of a commitment so early in the relationship. It's been what four months?" I nod.

"Correct, it's almost 5."

"See, you have nothing to worry about. I proposed a years after high school, but only because we were dating 2 years before that. I'm not saying that it'll be the same with you guys, if you do get married."

"Thanks. For being an amazing big brother even while you were gone." I say hugging him.

"Anytime babes. Let me know if you ever have questions about guys, or you just wanna talk to me. I'll always answer for a pretty awesome baby sis like you."

"I'll see you Sunday Caleb, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you when you get back." He says kissing my forehead. "Tell Louis, I said hi for me." He says letting go of me so I can join Louis in his car.

I open his car door and get inside. "Good morning beautiful." Louis says smiling, putting his phone away. as soon as I get in leaning over to kiss me sweetly. "What wrong?" He asks grabbing my hand.

"Nothing." I say putting on my best smile.

"If you're starting to regret the trip we can cancel."

"No! Louis it's fine, that's not what's bugging me. It's my mom, we got in a little argument on my way out but it's fine."

"You guys were arguing about me weren't you?" He says, with his face dropping.

"I never said that."

"Well that's the only thing you and your mom seem to argue about."

"Okay, yes we were but I think she may actually give you a chance. I said something's that I guess you could say hits close to home to her."

"What did you say?"

"It's a long story. Can we not talk about it?"

"Sure thing." He says stealing a quick kiss before starting the car. "You can throw your bag in the back seat." And I do as he says.

"Can we stop by Dana's really quick? I need to drop something off." I ask remembering the present I bought Maddi a few weeks ago.

*Dana's P.O.V.
"Liam! You're doing it all wrong!" I yell at him. We have 3 more minutes left before Madeline will get here and we still have so many decorations left. "It's never going to be done with the rate you guys are moving!" I'm practically pulling my hair out now.

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