Chapter 45 ( Final Chapter )

Start from the beginning

I then went to stand in my place.

"Everyone please stand" the priest said

Everyone stood up and the wedding march band started playing. The flower girls and bridesmaids started walking down the aisle. Then Justin started walking down the aisle with his mum and dad by his side. I tell you he looks sexy in that suit of his. People were smiling and looking. He then reached to me and the wedding march band stopped playing.

"Everyone please be seated" The priest said.

Everyone then sat down.

Welcome all loved ones, family and friends alike, as we gather today to celebrate the union of Justin Drew Bieber and Jason Andrew McCann.

It is my honour to be standing here and I want to thank you on behalf of Justin and Jason for gathering on this beautiful day to support them on this very special day. The fact that you have travelled such a great distance to be here today is a testament of your love and support.

Many of you have given them much happiness, love and guidance throughout their lives and Jason wanted me to acknowledge that some of you have not.

In addition, the grooms ask that we take a moment to respectfully acknowledge those who have passed on and those who were unable to attend. They are all with us in spirit today and we feel their love.

I would like to ask you all a question. Will you pledge to give your continuing love and support as Justin and Jason work to build a happy and enduring marriage? If so, please say, "I will."

I would like to point out that we find ourselves at a considerable advantage today; this isn't a shotgun wedding because neither Justin nor Jason is with child, this isn't a religious ceremony where we have to thank specific deities or drink wine from a chalice, and I am the farthest thing from an ordained anything.

We are here to celebrate Justin and Jason. Celebrate their individuality, who they are as a couple, and who they will become as husbands.

A few weeks ago, I met with Justin and with Jason one-on-one to discuss their thoughts on this marriage. I discovered that for both of them, marriage is a public announcement of their undying commitment to one another; a bond between two people who look forward to sharing their lives together though the good and the bad. To both Justin and Jason, this marriage does not mark the beginning of a new relationship; it is an acknowledgement and a celebration of a relationship that has been flourishing for a long time. 2 years in fact.

Justin and Jason, these are the qualities you treasure most about each other; Remind yourselves of them each and every day. A successful relationship takes more than just love. With open hearts and full disclosure Justin and Jason have come here today, after considerable thought and reflection, after over 2 years of dating.

By making this commitment your relationship will become stronger and deeper and even more filled with love. But we all know that is not going to erase the differences you two have.

Marriage is not going to change Justin's taste in music or fashion and it's not going to make Jason do the dishes or make the bed with hospital corners. Marriage is not going to stop Justin from snoring or stop Jason from spending hours on the computer. Marriage is not going to stop the fights in the car. However, knowing what your partner needs to be happy and being willing to provide it is something you both do very well.

Justin and Jason, you have chosen to walk through life hand in hand. There is no truer statement of love. Your choice to be together was not defined by a single moment, but by countless special ones. You belong together. The foundation of your love is profound friendship.

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