Coffee Shop

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Green’s eyes fluttered open as he awoke from his slumber. He tried to yawn, but a bunch of fur was in his mouth. He quickly scooted away, only to find that his eevee had been curled up right underneath his chin and that her tail fur was getting in her mouth.

Ew, gross.

Green looked over to the clock on his nightstand. It was about a quarter after eight in the morning. Green had just enough time to get ready for work.

Sliding his legs from the side of the bed, he sat up and rubbed his face with his hands, trying to wake up. He eventually stood up and groggily walked into the bathroom.

Green looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and sighed. His hair was all tousled and his eyes were red and puffy. He had to clean up quickly before work – he didn’t want to go into the gym looking like a zombie.

As Green was brushing his teeth, his mind wondered off to what had happened last night with Red. He wanted to believe Red, but why didn’t Red just invite this so called “friend” over to his house?

Green glared at himself in the mirror as he spit out the suds from his mouth. That was a stupid idea. Green was a very clingy and jealous person. Being comfortable with his boyfriend inviting a “friend” over to his house and them being by themselves was just completely impossible for the gym leader. He trusted Red, but he didn’t trust other men with Red.

Green wiped the excess suds from his mouth and began brushing his hair. Once he was satisfied, he walked out of the bathroom and back into his bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and changed into some fresh clothes.

He walked up to the tall floor mirror in the corner of his room. The gym leader looked at his reflection for a few seconds to see if there was something he missed.

“My pokemon!” Green mentally smacked himself in the face for forgetting such an important thing.

He grabbed a pokeball from his belt and returned his sleeping eevee to it. Then he put the ball back on the belt and put it on.

Green looked in the mirror once more. Finally satisfied, he grabbed his house keys and quietly walked downstairs. He checked the clock in the kitchen and sighed of relief when he still had twenty minutes left to get to the gym. It was only a ten minute walk, so Green decided that he would take his time walking to work this morning.

After he locked the door to his house, he glanced over at Red’s house. The black-haired man was probably still sleeping. There was no way Red left the house before ten in the morning. Plus, his lights were off and he couldn’t see any movement in the house.

Green walked up to the window and gently pressed his hand against it. He looked inside to see Red sleeping peacefully on the living room couch with Pikachu curled up in his lap. The brunet couldn’t help but smile at the scene. Red just looked so peaceful and relaxed while he was asleep. Then again, most people did.

I should probably move away from the window before he wakes up and I accidentally give him a heart attack.

Feeling like a complete creeper, Green moved away from the window and began his walk to the gym.

It seemed like Green’s shift at the gym would never end. No one anyone came in yet and it was only three in the afternoon – two hours until he could finally clock out. Green moaned in frustration at his desk and laid his face down on it.

He wanted nothing more than to just run out the front doors of the gym and meet up with Red. He needed to see who this Peter guy was and if Red was actually telling the truth. He needed to know for a fact that Red wasn’t falling back into his old habits.

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