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Green didn’t notice that he fell asleep on Red’s couch until he felt something poke his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open as he looked up at Red, who only had a towel around his waist. Red’s hair was soaking wet and stuck to his face. Small drops of water fell from the dark, wet locks of Red’s hair.


“Don’t you have any modesty? Put some damn clothes on,” Green mumbled, looking away. His face flushed slightly from embarrassment.


Red glared at him and walked back upstairs. Green could hear Red’s bedroom door close upstairs. Green sat up from his lying position on the couch and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up more.


A couple minutes later, Red came back downstairs in a black A-shirt with a pair of jeans. His jet black hair was still went and clinging onto his face. Green couldn’t really help but stare at Red. His arms had definitely gained some muscle since they were children. Green came to a conclusion that it was most likely a mixture of puberty and working out with his pokemon on Mt. Silver for so long.


Once Green noticed that he was staring, he immediately took his attention off of Red and suddenly, a speck of dust on the coffee table in front of him seemed a bit more interesting. It seemed Red didn’t really notice that his friend was staring at him because Green didn’t get a response from him.


Red sat down next to the brunet and looked at him. “Thank you… for watching after me.”


Green turned his attention from the speck of dust back to his friend, who he was just staring at seconds before. His face became stern and he let out a frustrated sigh. “You need to be more careful next time when you drink.”


Red sighed in response and looked at the coffee table as well. Suddenly, he heard running footsteps coming down the stairs. He looked at the staircase to see his beloved yellow companion, Pikachu.


“Pika?” Pikachu ran up to his black-haired trainer and jumped in his lap. Red smiled and hugged Pikachu, who cuddled their cheeks together in response. Red let out a soft laugh and pet his pokemon’s head. Green stood up from the couch.


“Well, I guess since you don’t need me anymore, I better get go-“ Green’s sentence was cut off when he felt Red grab onto his arm. Green looked at Red, who was looking away from him.


“What is it?” Green asked irritably, wanting to go home already. He liked Red’s company, but he really also wanted to go home to get some proper rest. Plus, his sister was probably worried about him. She always worries about him if he doesn’t come home at least an hour after he gets off of work.


“Please stay,” Red mumbled.


The brunet looked at his friend and saw a slight hint of sadness and loneliness in his eyes. Was Red really that lonely? Did he really not have any friends and was desperate enough to enjoy the company of his own childhood rival?


“Fine,” Green groaned, deciding to stay with Red. He would have to call Daisy later and let her know what was going on.

Birthday (Green/Red Original Shipping)Where stories live. Discover now