The Birthday

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It was Red’s twenty-first birthday and he planned on spending it how people normally spend their twenty-first birthdays: at the bar. The black-haired male got into his car and drove over to the closest bar, which was luckily in Viridian City. He didn't really like having to go to work on his birthday, but he was just glad it was over now.

Red had a job at the Pokemart and it was honestly probably the most boring job in the world. He liked his co-workers, but it was just so boring working from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon just stocking items and getting sass from trainers all day about not talking very much. He was on the verge of losing his job, but even if he did lose his job, he didn't really care. He could always just get another one.

On the way to the bar, Red thought about what he should have to drink.

Maybe I should just have a regular beer? Start off slow? Or maybe I could just go straight into the hard liquors like vodka or whiskey. Aren't you supposed to do this kind of thing with friends, though? And what about a designated driver? Oh well, I can just walk home. I'm pretty sure I'd know whether or not I'm able to drive, even if I'm drunk.

Red finally pulled into the parking lot of the bar and parked his car into a free space, conveniently right in front of the building. The raven-haired man walked out of the car and patted the back pocket of his jeans, making sure he had his wallet first. He looked up at the place and then back down at his watch. It was a little after five-fifteen PM. Red slowly pushed the glass door open and immediately began to start coughing. The air was thick with cigarette smoke. He looked around the place, seeing mostly just a couple of tough, muscular guys drinking, smoking, and playing billiards with each other.

Red finally spotted the bar and gave the bartender a polite smile, which he got one back in response. He walked over to the bar sat down in one of the tall seats.

“What can I get you, sir?” the bartender asked, cleaning one of the shot glasses with a clean cloth.

Red looked up at the various alcohol bottles behind the bartender. He still had no idea what alcohol he wanted.

Well, it's my birthday. Better go big.

Red scanned the different bottles of alcohol until one of them caught his attention. It was a clear bottle with blue letters, reading "Absolut Vodka." Red pointed at the bottle. The bartender turned around and pointed at the bottle as well.

"This one?"

Red nodded.

The bartender gave him a funny look. “You look pretty young. I need to see some ID."

Red pulled out his wallet and gave the bartender his ID. After a couple of seconds of scanning the card, the bartender handed it back to him. He turned around and grabbed the alcohol, pouring it into a shot glass and handing it to Red.

"That will be seven pokedollars, please," the bartender said.

Red put his ID back into his wallet and pulled out the seven pokedollars. He handed the money to the bartender, who placed it inside of the cash register beside them.

“By the way, happy birthday,” the bartender smiled before assisting another customer. Red looked down at the shot glass full of vodka before taking the whole shot at one. His throat burned, but he managed to keep it down.

So, this is what alcohol is like. It's nice. It's like a warm wave of comfort sliding down your throat, kind of like eating hot soup when you're sick.

Red really liked the drink, so once the bartender wasn't assisting any customers, Red tapped his fingers on the glass, getting the bartender's attention. He turned around to see Red pointing at the bottle of vodka again.

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