Chapter 23 (Soldiers)

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I must admit I was not expecting Grim to react to my self critical remark in the way that he did but in no way am I upset about it. I am surprised that he didn't escalate that activity to another less clothed activity. Obviously my brain has access to too many films of old, where sex is the forefront of every mans mind. I suppose he could just be acting like a gentleman or he doesn't see me in that way.

I shake my head to regain control of my thoughts so I can pay attention to Grim as he discusses my plan with his mother. She too agrees with my plan, however doesn't like the thought of me not making it out with my mind intact. I just sit at the circular table in the room with the rest of the elders in the group, all eyes are on Grim and his mom as they go into further detail of what is to come.

Looking up the cavern wall I follow a trickle of water as it slowly makes its way down the rocks into a small pool of water on the floor. There is a crack in the rock that allows the water to escape into another chamber of the cavern system. I close my eyes and follow the stream in my head as it snakes its way through to other areas. I can hear voices as they echo through the dark. I concentrate on the voices and they are not familiar to me.

A male voice whispers, "So you think this is where some of the Fallen are hiding out?"

A female answers his question. "Yeah I saw some of them outside working on some wind turbines and followed them back here. As soon as we know for sure there are more of them down here we can go get the others and kill these bastards.

Shit. I take Grim's hand and pull him away from the group. He looks at me and squints his eyes, "What's up?"

I whisper, "There are some soldiers directly below this cavern. I need you to lead me down there so we can intercept them."

"How do you know?" he asks.

"I heard them in my head. Let me take the lead, but first I need my weapon." I explain.

He nods his head and takes my hand. We run hand and hand through the darkened caverns. He releases my hand and runs off for a second, returning with my gun. I take it and strap it over my shoulder. " We are close to the cavern. I think I see the beam of a flashlight approaching, you should take the lead."

I look toward the light and lighten my steps. I take hold of my gun and aim it towards the light. "I hear you coming, I am General Stead and I mean you no harm. Please identify yourselves." I announce myself and identify myself as my old general, so that I won't get shot.

I hear the voice of the woman echo. "We are soldiers, Manning and Thomas, sir." She states into the darkness. Suddenly her flash light beam is glaring in my eyes.

"Lower your light soldier!" I demand.

"Yes, sir! Sorry, sir." The beam is redirected to the cavern floor.

"What are you doing in this cave, soldier?" I ask even though I am already aware.

She nods her head, "Sir, I saw members of The Fallen heading into these caves and I brought Thomas here for backup so that we could locate the enemy and report back to camp."

"Well if that is the case, lead the way." I fall in behind them and as they start moving I set my weapon to stun. I quickly fire on both of them and they collapse to the ground.

I hear footsteps approaching, "Grim?" I call out.

"Yeah, its me. You didn't have to kill them." He protests.

I chuckle. "I didn't they are only stunned. Help me drag them to the closest area that we can tie them up in."

He takes the larger male and I take the female. I follow him to a small room in the cavern and he drops his soldier, moves over and grabs some rope. I start going through all of the pockets on the female soldier looking for other weapons and pulling them out as I find them. Grim does the same with the man then he ties them both up with the ropes.

"We need to remove their cards. Otherwise they will be traced back here. As soon as they are awake they will send out a distress beacon." I quickly open the port on the back of Manning's neck and remove her soldier card then do the same to Thomas. "They are not going to remember much of what they were up to other than that they were fighting The Fallen. They will think that you are a group of humans, but will still think The Fallen are out there. The only way they would have known that you are The Fallen would be if I had been able to turn off the feed to their chips and have them retain their programing. Now they will just be confused."

"Ok, I will go get my mother and the other elders to bring them here. You stand watch over them." Grim orders. I smile, I like a man who doesn't buckle under pressure.

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