Chapter 6 "The Truth"

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The Truth

I continue looking around the room, my feet still secured to the chair and too much in shock to reach down to untie them. Trying to figure out how I just felt up a woman while surrounded by nothing but Fallen and a man. What the hell did they just do to me and how the hell did they do it?

The man walks around to me and bends down to untie my feet, I am tempted to run but they are not moving any closer to me. Actually they are all moving away from me including the one that was seated across from me. The man sits in the chair previously occupied by the alien and he smiles.

"Hi, I am Xander Helm. I am sure you are wondering what just took place here, and I will be happy to tell you." He smiles and before he can say anything else I stop him.

"No, first you are going to tell me why the hell I am surrounded by the Fallen and what they want with me. I also want to know how you seem to know what they are saying and why a human is consorting with the enemy." I yell, not even taking a breath.

"Ok, these people want nothing more than you to know the truth, they mean you no harm. You should also know they are not the enemy. That woman you were touching was the woman who was in front of you when the blindfold was taken off. When you thought you were touching me you felt what was really there, flesh and blood, human." He explains pointing toward the creature that was sitting there when my eyes opened.

I shake my head, "No, you tricked me. Somehow you tricked me!"

"No tricks. You know as well as I do that you felt breast and these creatures that you see have no breast much less anything to differentiate between the sexes. You don't even see a size difference between them, they are one size and shape fits all. They are always angry and always look aggressive even when they are running and cowering in fear." He defends them and looks at them with compassion.

"You are wrong, she is smaller than the one beside her and before I was knocked out there was two of them cowering one holding the other child sized one in its arms. I saw the torment that the shock guns caused them! I saw them convulse on the ground writhing in pain before they died and I saw infants and children among the dead. Upon seeing this I thought hard and I forced the chip to release me so that I could stop killing. I thought that my head would explode from the pain it caused. I stopped killing, I saw that they were running and I stopped firing." I defend myself, throwing myself from the chair to my knees. Tears are streaming from my eyes as I sit on my feet and look back up at the man who is judging me.

He stands up walks over to me and kneels down in front of me. "Why do you think I let you live." He reaches up and wipes the tears streaming down my face. "When the soldiers come through, wiping out these small villages, they have no emotion. They just blankly stare ahead, killing."

"I know that after every mission the killing is wiped from our minds. But how can you understand them?" I sigh and lean back resting on the chair I was tied to earlier. "I get that they are not the enemy, I just don't know why you understand what they are saying."

"My chip malfunctioned after I was clubbed in the head, I heard people talking around me. I felt as they tended to my wounds, I thought I was in a hospital. When I woke my chip slowly took back over my vision, however my auditory system remained the same. I see what you do but I can understand them." He slides down the clay wall and sits on the dirt floor of the hut we are in.

"I know about the memory wipe because my mom told me about it before I left for war. She was not supposed to tell me but she wanted to reassure me that we wouldn't remember anything. My mother would tell me about things we were not supposed to know. She told me everything. She said that if my dad had known more, he wouldn't have gotten in trouble. He was killed because he started looking into things he had no business looking into. He wanted to know why this war has gone on for so long." I sigh as I think of my father that I had never known, I can remember my mother telling me of him fondly yet never showing me photos or anything of him.

Xander turns to the Fallen around me and motions for them to leave. They all leave the room though I still feel as if there is a presence, staring at me, other than this man before me. "So, your father passed. That is odd. No one in the cities have lost a parent before." Xander moves closer to me and looks at me strangely. He wraps his arm around me and well I feel completely vulnerable and creeped out. Suddenly I feel a jolt and Xander goes limp at my side.

I slowly start to turn around when I am seized from behind. All I hear in my ear is a shushing sound as my feet leave the floor and I am carried from the room. I try to fight back but I am being held to tightly to move. I start to open my mouth to let out a scream as I hear a garbled voice. "Be quiet, please."

I obey out of curiosity more than fear now. Once we clear the town into the trees, I start to struggle again to free myself. "Ouch, stop. He was going to rape you." The garbled voice whispers in my ear again.

I freeze, come to think of it I must admit him sending the fallen from the room and his proximity to me supports that claim. "Why?"

"Because, you look normal and he has done it in the past." The voice replies, yet whoever took me keeps me held tight.

"What are your plans with me. Why won't you release me?" I question.

I hear a sigh. "I don't want you to see me."

"Why?" I feel the arms wrapped around me slack. I turn to see another foreign face of yet another member of the fallen. "How can I understand you?"

"Because, I was taught to beat the card. My family learned how to shortly after the war began. I will tell you more once we are further away from this camp. I need you to trust me and come with me. I know that it is tough, you have been through so much today. It will take us a couple days to reach my camp. I managed to procure your weapon." The creature hands me my pulse gun and I strap it over my shoulder.

"I guess I can always just shoot you if I need to defend myself and it helps you can't fire my weapon." I motion to the gun, and proceed to walk in the direction it was taking me in. I hear a funny squeak come from my companion and then it falls in step with me.

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