Chapter 22 "The Plan"

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I sigh as I look off over the desert landscape, I am able to picture the way the land looked prior to the decline in climate by locating the files for this GPS location. It was beautiful, I see towering trees and a vast strong flowing river had once made its' way through the valley. Now all that remains is dirt, dirt and heat. My mind refocuses on the task at hand, figuring out how to end a war.

"First thing we need is more people. I want to go to an encampment not far from here and take the soldiers. Of course the Generals have to die, otherwise they will completely undermine my plans. It should be very strait forward for us to take the camp. I will go in and assassinate all of the Generals, then I will shut down the signal to the soldiers chips. It will cause them to reboot, that is when I will need all of the men you can supply so that we can change out all of the microchips." I explain running out of breath.

"I will need one of the soldiers to maintain the soldier chips, he or she will need to be tied up and blindfolded immediately. I will have a sit down with the soldiers, so that I can adjust their memories. The soldier will be sent back to report to the dome, he will find the presidents son on his way out. James will make us entering the dome easier. I will have a talk with him first and he will be aware of the goal. If we kept any other chipped soldiers they would track them."

"Inside the dome, James will get us into the mainframe so that I can bring it down. You will keep guard, because when I interact with the computer I think that I will be in a trancelike state. I was going to bring down the domes but that would render the land within uninhabitable. There are many passages within the actual walls that I can open then render useless so that we can bring in the troops. By that point I will have already brought down the system and the chipped soldiers will be free to choose their own side. They will be aware of what the Tutelary has done to them."

I look over at the awkwardly quiet Grim, and he gives me a half smile. "Sounds like a good plan. I think that The Knowing will be able to come in and destroy the enemy."

"The Knowing that you speak of would be all of the other underground civilizations that are in communication with us?" I tilt my head to the left and let out a small sigh.

He nods his head in the affirmative.

"I just hope that I can be more helpful after the fall. I don't even know how much knowledge that I will retain after bringing down the system. I don't even think that I am really accessing the heart of the system. I feel like I am being led around the edges of the truth, like a rat in a maze. Then there is the question of, with all of the access that I have, could losing it suddenly could cause irreparable damage?" I just now realize that destroying the system could in turn be my own destruction.

Grim's focus suddenly turns to me. "What? No, it couldn't. You should be just like the other soldiers, the tie to the system would just drop. Right?"

His concern actually seems real, has he changed his opinion of me so quickly. "It's ok, I have to take the risk. Not like I am really anything other than a walking computer." I chuckle.

"That's not funny. Look, Phoenix, you are more than that. Yeah, that is what I thought before but you are so much more than that." He gently takes my head between his hands forcing me to look into his deep blue eyes. One could drown in the depth of the oceans looking into those eyes. He pulls me closer to him gently and presses his lips firmly against my own. Forcing his tongue between my lips and I caress his with my own.

I can feel my heartbeat as it accelerates, in kind with his. It feels as if it were a butterfly fluttering within my chest as my stomach preforms summersaults. My arms instinctively wrap around his chest pulling his body in closer to mine. The kiss deepens as do my thoughts, should we be doing this? As his arms tighten, my thoughts relax and I just marinate in the moment. So this is what happiness feels like.

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