She shook her head....
Leaning on the counter, she closed her eyes and let out the tears, that was clogging.

The tears that were coming is not because she is not gonna do what she had ever imagined. But for what she did this morning....

To Minji...
To Jimin...
To herself...


"I hope you had a great sleep!" she entered the hotel room and closed the door behind.

"Yeah, I guess!" her voice showed a little uncomfortness by whom she wake up to.


There was a awkward silence.

"Listen! Minji! I am sorry for the tough times I have given you..." she stood awkwardly at the door and twitching hem of her dress.

As Minji, she was still on the bed cover with the blankets but wide awake as Eunla speak to her...

"And now I wanna make upto you and Jimin!"

Again... Awkward silence...

"See it takes a lot of guts to say what I have said, this is where you open your so called mouth and speak" Eunla blurted out.

"um! I really don't know what to say!" Minji stood up from all the negative vibes, Eunla's has ever thrown at her or Jimin or their relationship.

"But thank you so much for....."
"umm... Trying!"

"Okay!" with that a little upward curve plastered on eunla's lips.


"Do you need any help? With?"

"That's really fine... Emma"

The door opens "Hello ladies! The bride's maid is here."

Minji shrugs her shoulder and looks between Emma and Eunla.

"Okay! I thought I might of some help." Eunla was about to leave.

"Oh you can be!" Emma exclaimed.


"Can you bring her something to eat as she can't go down?" Emma quickly finished her sentence and started to arrange things that would be needed to get ready.

"Eunla! You don't have to.... I can ask Do young to bring me something."

"Nah! That's okay... I am glad that I am of some help" with that she left the room.

"Alright Missy, get your lazy ass up and freshen"

Minji dragged herself out of the bed and went freshen up for the day of her life.

"OMG! I forgot to tell....."

"What?" Minji asked but by then Emma has already left the room.

She looked out through the corridors till the left, there she found Eunla and was about to get in.

"Eunla, bring her something light, make sure to include milk cause she is having morning sickness."  Emma pursed her mouth when she realised that she spilled too much beans than necessary.

"she's pregnant?" Eunla eyes widened in shock.

"Shh! No one knows and she is planning to tell Jimin at the altar." Emma giggled.

Flustered Eunla, gave her nothing but a thumbs and climbed on to the lift with a fake smile.


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