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"Hey Jim, Isn't Sarah here?" Lex always bought fries in there, they were pretty good, and there was this really nice woman with whom she always chatted, Sarah.


She sighed "You know her Jim, short, blonde, blue eyes, works, every day, like, three turns..."

"I don't know who you are talking about, but if you won't buy anything, get out"

She frowned 'How rude' She had worked there since she arrived, maybe before 'What is wrong with him?' "Sure, just give me small fries to go" She gave him the exact money.

"Here you go" He gave her the fries after a little wait.

She left and started making her way home, it was like 5 minutes away.

'That sure was weird' She just kept thinking and thinking. 'Something's wrong'

When Lex arrived she took out her keys, but, they din't fit..?

"Mom!" She looked arround "Mooom!" No answer.

She was ready to shout again when... "What are you doing?"

She jumped "Oh, it's you" Lex had a hand on her chest "You scared me to death, curls"

"Me?" He looked at her weirdly "Do we know each other?"

"Quit your games, guess who did fell off a cliff?" She made gestures with her hands as she spoke "You owe me a chocolate... And an explication, I went missing, why isn't everyone freacking out?"

"What are you talking about? I'm very sure I haven't seen you... in my life"

"Oh, come on Mikey" She started looking for something on her backpack "See this?" It was pompom, remember him? "You gave it to me, two years ago, you had brought your unicorn to school, it was my first day, Jacob Riles, and his two neanthertals, Trent, and Dylan, were picking on you, I made them leave you alone, we fought, and ended up on the principal's office, since that day, we are best friends, you can't forget that shit"

"I'm sorry, you must be confused, I don't know how you know that many things, but I've never even talked to you"

"Yes, you have, come on, you can't be serious, is this some kind of bad joke?"

"I... I have to... to... go..." He turned away and disapered.

'No' 'No!' 'This can't be, something happened'

Lex couldn't posibly had lost her only and best friend over night. Something was wrong, something happened in that forest.

'Goth guy' It had to do with him, she had read to many books to not know what was happening 'A spell that turned out differently' she knew how that ends, she was NOT going to be that character, she was going to inform herself, if she's going to do this, she's going to do it right.

She went into a cafe, now, she HAS to be convincing enough. There is this guy working on the cafe, he goes to her school, so, they have the same age, and, since no one knows her... here, there should be no consequenses... at least she tried to convince herself of that.

"What are you talking about?..." She entered the cafe while pretending to talk on the phone "No, it was not... You don't have to be that rude..." Lex sat on a bar they had "How am I supposed to fix it without a laptop?.. Fine, I'll do it... just... Hello?" She pretended to check her phone "They hung up on me... How rude"

"They didn't seem very nice" Ah, the guy that worked there, he was cleaning, and smiled at her, god, she was going to hate this, Lex really din't like to manipulate people,but, she had no other good options.

She sighed "They aren't, I had this group assigment... and my teacher changed the criteria at the last minute, but my computer broke and..." She laughed a little 'This is the only way' she convinced herself one last time "I'm sorry, being nice is your job and here I am charing all of my problems..."

"Hey, it's okay" He bought it... "Look, I know what that is like, were probably even in the same grade, and, I know it's hard" He looked at the emty place "Look, I have a computer and this place has free wi-fi, I can lend it to you so you can finish your assigment"

"Really?" She smiled at him with hopeful eyes, she felt baaad, she did not like lies, but, it was for a good purpose.

"Yeah, really, but, you'll have to buy something, if my boss discovers I'm letting you use the wi-fi without buying anything he'll fire me" He laughed.

"Obviously, give me... whatever you recomend that is lactose-free" She was alergic to lactose, yes, alergic, not intolerant.

"You really want my recomendation?"

"Sure, I'm going to trust the good taste of the person that just saved my academic life" She looked at him while he passed her his laptop.

He laughed "Well, I'm honoured" He started preparing the coffee.

She quickly started seaching, first, mom.

'What the...?'

I'll resume it for you, everything was the same, except... She divorced her dad 3 years after married, instead of 15, never had kids with him, or moved to Bremin, and re-married years later.

'So, no me, no sister, no brother... shit, I WILL have to do something...'

"You ok?" The guy putted a coffe in fron of her.

"Yeah, just read what my teacher wants me to change" She looked at the coffee.

"I practiced some art in it, hope you don't mind"

She smiled, it looked like a flower, it was really pretty "Nah, I'm a big art fan. What is it by the way?"

"The drawing?"

She chuckled "The coffee"

"It's a mocha" He laughed

She took a sip "A really delicious one" She kept looking.

Mike, he used to have pictures of them together on his social media, she has to check.

'Nothing' 'Nothing' 'Nothing' 'Fuck'

Last, the only other person she talked to. Sad, but true. Sarah, Sarah Riles, I think.

She searched, a lot, Lex didn't knew a lot of her past life, so it was harder than with the other two. But, when she finally found her, she was glad 'At least one of us is better off with this' Sarah actually had a pretty nice live in this... paralel? universe? In here Sarah was a house seller, the best one, and had married... Bates 'Poor Sarah'.

Lex deleted the historial and turned off the coputer.

"Thank you" She drinked her coffee.

"Could you finish it?" Mocha guy took his computer.

"Yeap, if they complain again I'll make sure to throw a book at their heads" She said with a smile drinking the lasts of her coffee.

"If I were you I would try and not send anyone to the hospital"

"I'll try" She left the money of the coffee and a little tip before getting out.

She had to prcess stuff, a lot had happened, and if she wanted to solve it, she was going to need the boys, but, if she trusted her reading, and she did, probably the only one opened to the option would be... ughhh... Goth guy.

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