Cable x Reader (X-Men) Part 11

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Back at the X Mansion the place was left on high alarm after what had happened. Magneto had abducted two mutants: Jean and yourself.

Professor X along with Cable and Cyclops were all alone in the room staring at Psylocke tied up to a chair. Cable had his gun against her head to stop her from easily escaping the restraints. "One wrong move and I'll shoot" he threatened coldly. She used her powers to see if he was bluffing, he wasn't. Xavier studied her because his mind tricks didn't work on her.

"Are you a telepath" asked Charles looking at her familiar with similar blockade powers. "I'm more than that" she looked him up and down as she sensed him trying to get in her head though she fought to keep him out. Cable's weight shifted waiting for them to get to the point. Cyclops had his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall worried about what happened.

"What did Erik want with Jean and y/n?" Charles asked calmly keeping eye contact with her. He knew very well you two were the most unstable mutants. "He wants power." She stated glaring at him still sensing he was still trying to get inside her mind but she wouldn't budge. He chuckled. "Yes that very well sounds like Erik" he agreed from experience. "Jean I understand, but why y/n?" Interrupted Cyclops not understanding.

Psylocke's eyes flickered towards him and she laughed to herself. "Is he serious?" She asked looking back to Charles amused. Cable tensed ever so slightly and he slowly pushed the head of the gun deeper into her temple. She glared at him for it. "One of my gifts is to sense other mutant's powers. That includes the strength of their power" she explained and Charles knew what she was talking about as his eyes lowered knowing where this was going.

Cyclops frowned waiting for her to continue. "Y/n is just as powerful as the phoenix force kid, she just doesn't know it yet" her eyes struck back at Cyclops who was beyond speechless. Cable hadn't known either but Charles had secretly known from the beginning. He had looked deep into your mind and saw exactly what stared back.

Charles sighed knowing none of this was good. He put two and two together. "He plans to unleash them." Psylocke smirked since she didn't need to explain. None of this sat well with Cable as his eyes met with Charles. "Cyclops, gather the X-men." Scott stood up taller and nodded before walking off following the order.

Psylocke watched him leave before looking back to Charles wondering what he had planned next. She may have been blocking him out of her mind but he as well knew shield tricks to keep her out from his. "And what are we supposed to do with her?" Asked Cable not liking the idea of just letting her go. Charles kept his eyes on her. "If she can lead Magneto to them, then she can lead us to Magneto." He stated and she didn't look too happy about it.


Your eyes slowly flickered open as you looked around dazed. Your head and body ached from the fight with Psylocke. You very quickly snapped out of it when you realized you were surrounded by fire. It was everywhere and out of control. You felt trapped and fear took over as you quickly got to your feet looking around. Where were you? What happened you wondered.

A man's voice came from the sky as you looked up startled to see Magneto hovering high above you. "Hello my dear" he smirked happy to see you awake. "If you ever want to see your little friends again then I must have your word you won't try anything." He explained cautiously just wanting to talk. Looking around you weren't left with much of a choice as you nervously agreed. "Say it" he demanded. "You have my word" you gave in.

On cue Magneto lowered from the sky down into the circle of roaring fire with you. "Don't look so upset darling" he gently placed his hand to your cheek making you uncomfortable. Cable would kill him if he saw he was touching you. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm more here to...let us say guide you." He smiled as you watched him cautiously wondering what he meant. "See my friend Psylocke helped me find you and your friend. She has the gift to sense powers such as yours" he explained sweetly to you. "See the only problem is Charles wants to control your powers, keep them bottled inside, I say... free them." You instantly became worried because your powers were unruly and destructive.

He watched you knowingly. Charles had you so well trained, afraid of your own powers just like Jean he thought. "My friend Psylocke also told me that you've only really had a taste of your own powers." You looked at him in question. "They are much stronger than you believe dear, if only you could set them free." You shook your head as your emotions took over. "I can't...they...they take control of me, it's like they're a whole different person. I black out" you weeped hoping he wouldn't make you do this.

"Shhh no, don't be afraid y/n" he soothed patiently. "The world needs to understand that us mutants are not to be controlled. We are free" he pulled you into his shoulder for you to cry.


Cyclops had gathered the X-Men as he stood next to Xavier's wheelchair looking at them proudly all suited up. "We have gathered you all here for a mission, it's quite serious and I won't lie... it's very dangerous." Began Professor X. Storm, Beast, Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver stood there listening. Quicksilver had been at his mom's when the attack on the mansion happened and Cyclops had to call him back needing his help. He noticed Cable standing off in the back with his gun held to a familiar looking woman's head. "I know there are few of us, but two of our members have been abducted and are in serious need of help." He continued. Pete glanced at Cable who stood there steel faced. Through that steel he could tell he was worrying over you.

"Magneto has stolen y/n and Jean, and we suspect he plans to unleash their powers on the world" he sighed not understanding Erik's beliefs. The team glanced at each other worried and a bit uncomfortable with how few of us there were. "I just want all of you to do your best while staying alive" he emphasized knowing just how much danger he was asking them to put their lives in. "And what about her?" Asked Quicksilver gesturing to Psylocke who looked thrilled to be a part of this.

"We have an agreement, she will help take us to Magneto" Charles explained without mentioning the obvious gun to her head like she had much choice.


Magneto held you tightly as he calmed you down manipulatively. The sound of something crashing caught your attention as your eyes darted around to locate what was going on though you could not see past the thick fire. "What was that? Where's Jean?!" You asked worriedly. He kept his arms around you as you began to struggle nervously. "Shhh calm down dear, she's not Jean anymore." You looked at him in horror not knowing what he meant.

"Want me to show you?" He offered calmly but only if you stopped struggling. You eased down as he held you closer and began to levitate with you in his arms. As you two entered the sky you began to see over the ring of fire. To your shock you saw more fire. It surrounded Jean in the shape of a phoenix but she had a different aura to her, an angry appearance as she floated in the sky. Various objects like cars and pieces of buildings flew about crashing into things and wrecking the streets as people ran screaming.

It had been the first time you'd seen this side to her powers as it dawned upon you what everyone was talking about, it was like pure fire and chaos. Erik watched your reaction of shock and worry at what he had done to her. "I think it's your turn darling" he stated looking at you seriously. You looked back at him in a panic as you began to struggle in his grasp again. This time you were more determined as your skin lit up and you set off a small blast causing him to drop you.

He flew back a bit but recovered quickly and used metal to catch your fall as he lowered you back into the ring while shaking his head. "Foolish girl" he stated before he used the metal to restrain you tightly making you whimper from the pain. "Guess we are doing this the hard way then" he stated while lowering down to you as your eyes filled with fear.


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