Cable x Reader (First Mission) Part 6

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It had been about a year since you were brought to stay at the mansion. After discovering the dangers of your powers it became a huge priority to get you trained. It was time you used your powers instead of them using you. Fortunately you had gained a small amount of control though it hadn't been easy getting there. You now had the ability to awaken the light inside and control the cosmic blasts for a short amount of time.

As discovered earlier, for some reason Cable was the only one able to calm them back down before they grew unstable or took you over. They also went speratic if you were apart too long but luckily it would take weeks to occur. If it did, Cable would have to come in physical contact with you like the touch of a hand and instantly it was like putting a cap over a flame.

Professor X had pushed you a lot in training and Cable volunteered to help you out every step of the way which you were forever greatful for. You each had grown quite close from this and it was rare to find the two of you more than a room apart. Cable would also decline going on any missions afraid of leaving you on your own.


One afternoon the two of you were training in the danger room fighting off the system's A.I bots. It was amazing how real everything felt in that room, like another reality. Technology never seased to amaze. Your tactics were to sneak behind a lot of the bots before blasting them away while Cable went full throttle melee on them. It was hard not to stop and stare at that man, not only was he an intense fighter but you had such strong desires for him. After he forcefully punched down the last bot he hit a button and the entire scene of the room changed back to blank.

He waved you to come over as he caught his breath. "You need to learn some hand to hand combat too, there will be times where you can't use your powers and I want you to know some basic defense." He had a good point but when you realized he meant against him you felt uncomfortable. "I'll go easy on you don't worry" he winked making you blush. You put your fists up as he did and within a matter of seconds he grabbed your hands, spun you round, and pulled you into a tight hold with your back against his chest.

Immediatly trying to struggle your way out you found it difficult. "Come on try anything, try to get free I know you can" he encouraged continuing to hold you tightly against him. Ignoring the wave of heat going through your body from the closeness you looked down and stomped on his foot, and half spun swinging your elbow into his gut releasing yourself. If it weren't for all the action movies you and Quicksilver had watched together you wouldn't have known how to do that. He held his stomach and chuckled at the look of guilt on your face. If anything this just made him like you more. "That was good! Now something a bit harder"

He came at you and took an obvious swing at you which he predicted you'd dodge but the moment you evaded it he brought his leg under your feet knocking you to the ground and quickly pinning you down. Your faces were closer than they had ever been which only distracted you more. "Come on try to get free" he encouraged again. The only thing you could think of was to head butt him but you knew that was a terrible idea. Suddenly the thought of distraction came to mind and you leaned in kissing him which more than stunned him. This allowed you to wriggle your arms free and smash your elbow between his neck and shoulder. Hastily pushing him off you escaped from underneath him.

The two of you got to your feet dead silent from what just happened. You avoided eye contact like the plague and he was still a bit shocked but didn't mind. "Never thought that'd be how we kissed" he chuckled. You froze. Wait what.. you thought. That means he knew you two would one day kiss? Before anything more could be said the two of you were interrupted by Cyclops. "Uh err sorry to interrupt but Xavier wants to see you Cable." He sent a hello smirk your way before turning to leave. Cable nodded and followed after him leaving you dumbfounded.

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