Cable x Reader (Familiar Faces)Part 1

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You had yet to find out that you were a mutant just like the rest of them. In recent nights you had begun having wild reocurring dreams of chaos within.

The stranger thing was that your vivid dreams were always the same. You were in the city surrounded by recked buildings. Your hands were shaking and your vision blurry. There were distant screams of people running past to get away. Were they running from you? Something inside awoke and your hands began shaking harder like an uncontrollable tremor. Your eyes shown like bright beams and you screamed out before everything went white and then you'd wake up breathing heavily.

You were familiar of the Xmen, they always ended up on the news. Not to mention you lived not far from a rumoured school for mutants. You weren't sure if it were supposed to be secret but it was quite obvious when they'd head out on "missions". The latest on the news was some man in a red suit known as Deadpool who appeared to be a solo mutant. He seemed funny from what you caught- a bit on the odd side. You began wondering what it would be like to be a hero, the pressure it would carry.

You were curled up on the sofa in your little apartment watching the tv going on about the latest on mutants as you started to drift to sleep into that all-too familiar dream. This time it was different, everything was the same but when it came the part of you screaming suddenly a stranger appeared out of a portal. He was tall and handsome with a metal arm and a glowing eye. He began to approach you when a tremor startled you abrubtly out of your sleep.

You were shaking for real this time and you ran for the bathroom feeling nauseated. You clenched at the pain in your stomach and quickly threw up in the sink. Sighing you cleaned yourself up and almost jumped when you saw your reflection in the mirror. Your skin was slightly...glowing? What could this mean? Were you a mutant? How come this was happening now?

You couldn't shake off the horrible feeling inside, it was almost like you were boiling on the inside and it made you feel feaverish. Desperate for relief you grabbed a thin coat and headed to the nearest convenience store. Looking down at your phone for the time it read 1:12 am. No wonder the streets were so quiet as you walked down them all alone. Your glowing skin acted as a guiding light down the dark street.

Approaching the store you entered and immediatly headed for the medical aisle ignoring the strange look from the cashier. You bit your lip hard as you scrambled the shelves just trying to find a pain relief. You got your hands on the strongest brand and desperatly popped a bunch of pills in your mouth and forced them down even without the aid of water.

"Uh m'am you need to pay for those..." came the cashier's wary voice. You nodded stumbling to the counter as the pain grew stronger within and your skin brightened causing the cashier to squint as if staring in the sun. You rummaged for your wallet and dropped it on the counter before your knees buckled and you collapsed.

When you awoke you heard the sounds of an ambulance approaching. Your vision was blurred as you realized someone was in your face trying to shake your arm to get your attention. You were still collapsed on the store's floor when you realized the room was even brighter than before as the light emitted from your skin growing stronger and stronger. Remembering your dream you quickly scurried to your feet out of worry. "M'am please wait the ambulance will soon be here!" You quickly pushed your way out of the store trying to get to a clear space as fast as possible before it happened.

The last thing you remember was the familiar blinding light as an enormous blast errupted from your body demolishing everything within radius before you blacked out.


"Who is she?" Came a woman's voice. "Y/n, I went through her wallet." "Is she like us?" "I believe so, found her at what looked like the centre of that explosion last night and carried her here." "What do you suggest we do?" "Help her" a manly voice answered. You could feel eyes on you as you slowly drifted back to reality.

You were in a nurse's office though it didn't strike you as a hospital, no you were somewhere else. There were two strangers in the room with you watching over you as you struggled to sit up. "Easy there sweetheart I'd take it slow" warned the man seated next to you. He was handsome and...familiar. "Are you aware of what happened y/n?" The red haired lady asked. She looked young but was wearing something similar to a doctor's uniform.

You shook your head, it was the first time it had happened after all. "You were in the centre of a cosmic explosion" the lady simply put. You looked between the two of them for recollection and that's when you noticed the man had a glowing eye and a metal arm. You froze locking eye contact. "I know you.." you whispered.

He seemed intrigued since it was the first time he had seen you yet, however considering his powers it could've meant the future him might've met you. "I've seen you in a dream.." you trailed feeling a little embarassed now. His serious expression ever so slightly smirked at you for a moment before he looked back at the doctor. "Perhaps a little mind reading wouldn't hurt?" He suggested to the red head. She nodded and came closer, he traded seats with her as she reached her hands toward your head first asking permission to which you skeptically accepted. You had already put together that they were mutants.

The man kept his gaze on you making you ever so slightly blush. As she held her hands on either side of your head you began to feel something as pictures flashed before your eyes while she sifted through your mind. She found the memories from your dreams of these uncontrollable powers. It made you shake and gasp as pain began to rise within. This caused the man to stand up straighter. "Hey careful now Jean" he said worriedly noticing your skin start to glow.

She slowed down but now seemed to reach deeper within your mind. To things you subconsciously knew but weren't yet fully aware of. Finding what she was after her hands then dropped as she got up from her seat and asked him into the hall. You couldn't fully hear them but you caught "her powers are very unstable and dangerous" and "you two are somehow connected I don't know how to explain it" "Connected?" He repeated before looking back at you.


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