Cable x Reader (Roses) Part 5

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Cable and the others brought you back to the mansion and kept you in the medical room since you were in a coma-like state. Jean carefully did another analysis while you were unconscious and had pinpointed that Cable definitely had some sort of an effect over your powers.

She suggested the two of you stick together at least until you found another way to control your powers. He had no problem partnering up with you if it meant everyone's safety. Not only that but he had started to grow a bit attached to you.

Each day he'd drop by to check on you in hopes you were awake and one fine morning he thought it'd be sweet to bring you flowers. He halted in the doorway when he saw the room completely full of flowers already. Looking down at the roses he kinda felt it was unoriginal.

"Are those for me?" You asked slowly opening your eyes and noticing him. He was surprised by you but really glad to finally see you awake. "They are indeed" he handed them to you and you smelled them while locking eyes. A wave of heat went through his body from that and he cleared his throat. "You've got many admires" he gestured around the room. You smiled at all the flowers however he was the only to bring roses which meant a lot to you.

"So how you holding up?" He asked taking a seat next to the bed. You sighed in relief. "I feel better than I could ever hope" you smirked back at him. "You don't realize how good you have it until your in agony" you admitted. He nodded agreeing. "Just glad you're okay now" he added. "So I was informed that I have some sort of an effect over you" he smirked looking at you knowingly making you blush immensely. "Your powers of course" he teased smoothly aware he gave you a mini heart attack.

"Have to admit you have an effect over me as well, all I often feel is anger and just basically get into survival mode but around you I can't feel anything but warmth" he shook his head making you smile at his honesty. It made you feel special getting to see the sweet side of a really tough person.

"What do you say you and I stick together sweetheart? Doctor's orders" he added with a smirk. "Deal" You answered and reached out your hand for him to shake and instead he took it and slowly kissed it making your cheeks go red.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I? Oh I am? Okay I can wait.. right here..don't mind me, awe shit i'm not the first to bring flowers" came a familiar voice. Cable didn't even have to turn his head he just scowled. "...Deadpool"


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