Chapter 47 - Fight

Start from the beginning

What just happened? Im Nayeon wants to meet me?


What the hell am I thinking? My hands are still shaking from it. But no need to scared. I should be strong, always. I am my Myoui Akira's daughter, I am Takuya's sister, my family members are all a tough person.

Here I am, always being early is my major traits. I am 30 mins early at this Garosugil. Since I was young, I am in love with this street. I know Garosugil like the back of my bone. Being here calm me in the first place. But I know I can't chill right now that I am going to meet Im Nayeon in 30 minutes. Today will be a blast. 

From Chaeyoung's description. Im Nayeon is a very nice human being. She's passionate at what she does. She's so smart, she's a top graduate from UCLA, she's beautiful of course, she could be pushy as well, she's stubborn. She cheated once from Chaeyoung with her best friend from high school. Chaeyoung hates her to death. Never in Chaeyoung's story, Nayeon is a nice woman. She always told me her bad sides, that's how she hates Nayeon. But then she slept with her, how irony. 

She must have a deadly charm.

Here she is, feels like when she opens the cafe's door, the world stops and everyone should pay attention to her. But it's only in my imagination. She orders her coffee first, I am sure she already look me. This is going to be the first time I encounter with her. I will finally speak to Im Nayeon. I then move to the second floor where it's quite. I believe she follows. 

"Hello, Mina?"

I nod, and she sits in front of me.

"Im Nayeon" She introduces herself and gives me her hand, I could only look at it. I don't have time to wishy-washy with her. She then pulled away from her hand again. I am sure she smart, it's all written on her face.

"So, Ms. Myoui Mina, how long do you know Chaeyoungie?"

"What do you want, Nayeon? Can we get down to the business"

She smirks.

"Alright I am trying to be nice, but I guess you want the other way, then I'll be sharp to you, Mina. But I am going to warn you first, I'll be harsh, I was born and raised in the US. I don't hold back"

I give her my bitter smile.

"Mina you are nothing to me" 

Shit, her words shoot me right in the chest.

"Chaeyoung and I, even though we're a divorced couple, we're inseparable since forever. I left her back then because she needed a perfect distraction to subside her mind from Maddison. That's why she blames me for everything, even though she knew that it wasn't entirely my fault. But now that Maddie is found, she already forgave me, and she takes me back again. I am her home, Mina-ssi. She could sail across the ocean but at the end of the day, she will always come back to me, again and again," She continues.

Minari, you're strong. You can have a mental breakdown here. Not in front of this garbage human being.

"She would never love you the way she loves me, Mina-ssi. Don't expect anything from her. She will never love you because she loves me"

She speaks to me in a slow tone but cuts me to the bone. This girl sure is something.

"She perhaps always told you on how she hates me like crazy. She hates me and blames me, moreover I cheated on her. Yes I badly hurt her in the past" 

Thank God you realize that, Nayeon. 

"But...........I don't find any of it when we had sex. She kept adore me just like she always adores me back then. She kept calling my name just like the old time" 

I clench my fist tight. Shit.

"She will never fall for you, Mina"

"You're so pathetic, Im Nayeon"

"It doesn't matter. She chooses me anyway, Mina. The past month, has she ever contacted you? Or even make an effort on you? No, right? Because I said so. Because I forbid her to do so and guess what? She always listens to me"

"Only me that could make her happy, Mina. She's a fool when it comes to love"

I can only look straight into her eyes. I can say anything.

She burst into a laugh, then. 

Oh my God, what is happening? She's a freak.

Please, get me out of here. It's suffocating. 

"I am kidding. Of course, I am kidding. Your eyes are in tears already, I can't look at you, you're like begging me to stop" Okay now I am confused.

"Of course Chaeyoung hates me. I made our daughter gone, I cheated on her, I even slept with her to steal her from you. And yes she knew it all. It's all my tricked and she falls for it"

This girl needs to stop right now. 

"Oh, I could see that she's in love with you, so much in love. She never has that looks in her eyes during our marriage" She then gets her eyes teary and she immediately wipes it.

"But, of course, I always have a way to get what I want. To get whats mine, Mina"

I can only gulp every time she says her name.

"It's easy for me, to make her mine again. She only needs to choose. It's either you or her daughter, Maddie" I could only clench my fist tight again as she says it.

"Of course it's a hard choice to her. She loves you but been 5 years since the last time she saw her daughter, and she misses that 5 years" I can't hold my tears anymore. It's now falling down.

"If she chooses you, she would never see her daughter again, because I would never allow her. I made it clear to her. If she wants to fight me in custody battle, go ahead, I will win anyway since I am the birth mother, I am the U.S citizen so is my daughter. Chaeyoung won't have rights on her daughter. Chaeyoung is only a stranger to the court"

But for me, it's easier for her to choose her daughter, she only has to leave you, and I will grant every access to her daughter as long as she's in the US again, and be with me, her family"

I can only gulp, to be honest, I lost this time. She wins. I can't, I just can't. 

"Do you curious what she choose? Oh, let me tell you" She then tries to whisper something to me.

"She hasn't chosen yet. Because somehow it's hard to choose between her daughter and you, isn't she stupid? Did I mention before, right? She becomes the fool when it comes to love. And I give her no time choose as I will go back to the U.S next week, so she should prepare to say goodbye to her one and only daughter"

I can't concentrate the half of her last sentence. 

Because a person now just stand behind Nayeon. 

I don't even realize where she comes from. 

"IM NAYEON!" She screams. 

There aren't so many people on the second floor, thank God. 

This is the first time in a month, I see her face again.

At this proximity. 

There she is, the love of my life.

And a very jerk women to me, now.

Son Chaeyoung. 

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