"Are you.......Althea? Are you a lesbian?" Now all Jade's attention is with the woman beside her, she's so hopeful that what David said is true.
The youngest Tanchinco doesn't know why she so happy knowing that Althea likes woman.
She wanted to be a 'YES' that will come out from the mouth of 'her goddess'.

"Yes Jade I am, I'm proud and out lesbian." Althea answered confidently, she doesn't want to be like this.
She wanted the heiress to know by her own occurred.
But at least she feels relief, now it's open out there.
On the other hand the heires is overwhelmed knowing it's a 'YES'.
She's like dancing now in his head.

"How? When? I mean does my dad know about your sexuality? Your Friends, your family.....the people surrounds you? " Blabber Jade....deep inside she so happy knowing Althea's preference.....actually she's smiling, she can't contain it anymore......the overpowering happiness.

"Since I was in elementary Jade I'm already like this, yes my family knows, even my friends but not all people knows, but if they ask me, I'm willing to confirm. You know Jade I don't really want to level myself, either way I am still a person, a human being who unfortunately a woman who loves woman also. Hope it will not a hindrance to our friendship?" Even with this circumstances, Althea show a confident smile and a woman that so proud of being her.

"Of course not, as a matter of fact I'm proud of you Althea." Immediately Jade hug Althea assuring her that nothing is change.

"Okay ladies, all are good now right? Then let's take an order.....I'm famished" David interrupted, rubbing her stomach indicating his really hungry.
The two ladies slowly removing their selves from each other's embrace, the young Senior Architect mounting a 'Thank You' to Jade and the heiress answered 'You're Welcome' back while rubbing the arm of Althea.
When they get their orders and settled comfortably in their table, the heiress instantly turn her attention to the young Senior Architect, with knitted forehead.

"Althea why are you here?". Uttered Jade, with a questioning look.

"Hello to you too Jade!" Althea just smile, ignoring Jade's question.
Jade's raised her one eyebrow, indicating the pilot to answer her question.
They already converse too much and learned unintentional information about Althea......and now she just questioned their young Senior Architect on why she is here?

"Okay." Surrendered the young pilot raising her both hands.

"Well, actually there's a little situation in here that need my attention, that's why I need to drop by, there just something I have to settled, but it's fine now." Answered Althea.

"Wait what do you mean 'a little situation in here?' You mean this is one of your restaurants?" Quoting the sentence, amused Jade.
Althea just rub her nape and smile.
Before the heiress could react, suddenly their order just arrive.

"Mmmmm....Jade, David if you'll excused me I have to go, I'm really sorry if I can't stay long." Uttered Althea, whose about to stand up from her seat.

"Are you sure you don't want to join us? We barely see each other now Thea and you know catching up? You're so busy and in demand." - David

"I'd love too David but probably next time okay? And we will see next Thursday right? You can bring Jade also if she's available......what do you say Jade?" - Althea turning to the heiress side.

"Thursday? What's happening on that day?" The heiress ask with confusion.

"Will hon before you came, I just learned that Thea here has an Art show. Actually I would never know if I never overheard her and her restaurant manager talking about the catering on that event.....because Thea here Jade is so modest.....modest enough not to tell her best friend the good news." A little bit disappointed, David just shakes his head, continuing eating.

"What do you mean an 'Art Show'? Althea can you enlighten me please?" Now Jade is quite upset, why Althea didn't even tell her that said affair since they've hangout together.

"I'm sorry Jade, mmmmm.....can I explain it to you later?" Althea apologetically said to the heiress.

"You better have a good reason 'THEA'." Emphasizing the name David called her, she's a little bit envious of her boyfriend for calling 'her goddess' Thea.

"I will....so can I be excuse now?" With a dog puppy eyed asking permission to the heiress.

"Do I have any choice?" Jade countered, seeing Althea's adorable face.....she wanted to squeeze it.
The heiress just nod and mounting it's okay.
The young Senior Architect feel relieve and stand on her seat...saying her apology again to David and Jade then she excuse herself.
Still eyes on Althea's back, thinking what she learned earlier make her demeanor happier.

"Hon are you okay, lets eat." Interrupted David from her musing. Jade just smile and continuing eating her food.

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