Chapter Three: Werewolf Fight

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A/N: Ok first of all let me explain what happened. You walk up by a bang at the door and your checked it. It was a guy with wolf ears and tail, that man was your father. "Dad?" You said tears forming in your eyes and he smiled "I'm sorry but I don't have much time to explain. I love you (Y/N)" He said before biting your arm. You groaned in pain once he pulled away. You soon had black werewolf ears with red on the tips of them "remember who you are. Remember your training" he said and ran off. You looked down and walked inside. You decided not to tell Undyne since she'll probably freak out. Yes you knew you were a werewolf but you never had your ears and tail so you decided to act normal. BACK TO NOW!

~(Y/N)'s POV~
Today there was another werewolf trying to take over your territory! Ok yea it's a werewolf thing. Since you already claimed this was your territory and didn't let any other werewolf unless they didn't want to pick a fight. But this werewolf, oh boy did he want one. He kept on destroying stuff, hurting monsters, and kept on asking 'where is your pack leader?!' But of course they were confused and I decided before he could encounter your girlfriend you decided to end this. From what I know I'm the strongest out of all werewolves so this should be easy. I peeked over a corner to see the werewolf. He had red hair, red ears, red tail, golden eyes, a Raiders t-shirt with the number 8 on both sides, and had pale skin but had a little bit of color. I growled when he threatened a young monster "WHERE'S YOUR PACK LEADER?!" He yelled and they child shook in fear. He was about to punch him until I ran out and kicked his side, making him drop the monster and to fly back. I help stand the monster "you ok?" I asked and he nodded with a smile and I smile "go back to your mom and dad they'll keep you safe" he nodded and ran off. I stood up straight and tall to see him rising while wiping blood from his mouth. He already had scrapes on his cheeks. "So your the werewolf that trespassed?" I said while we circled "yes. You must be the leader" he said and monsters starts gathering around us. I shrugged "I wouldn't say leader. But for you I guess I am" I said and he glared "then fight me!" He yelled and tried punching me but I easily dodge it. I punch him in the gut and he held his stomach in pain. I kicked him in the face and munch his gut while he was in the air, making him crash into trashcans. He growled and ran off "HEY!" I yelled and ran after him. If he doesn't say 'I surrender' then that means the fight is still on until one of us says it. I see Undyne, Frisk, and Alphys and I quickly put away my ears and tail.
~Undyne's POV~
Me, Frisk, and Alphys we're walking around Snowdin, talking about stuff until a human with red wolf ears and a red tail with red hair running across the other side. "IF YOUR NOT GONNA FIGHT THEN SAY I SURRENDER FOR PEATS SAKE!" We hear (Y/N) yell and we soon see (Y/N) running after the red hair guy "NEVER!" He yelled. "What's going?" I said "it's called a werewolf fight. It's when two werewolves are in a fight then no one else can help unless their a werewolf. The fight ends until one of them says 'I surrender' but if they don't the fight is still on. But I'm not sure about this. (Y/N) is a human and the guy with red hair is a werewolf" Alphys said "maybe (Y/N) is getting him out of here? I heard there's a werewolf around causing mayhem and that must be him since he's the only werewolf we've seen" Frisk said and I nod "So we watch? But I don't want my baby to get hurt" I said "we have to. It's the rules" Alphys sighed and we watch the fight break down.
~No one's POV~
The guy, who's name is Blake, turns around quickly and tried punching you but you ducked down. You grabbed his arm, spinned him around, and kicked his back. "Wow...she's stronger then I thought...cute" Undyne said smiling softly. Blake growled and punched your face making it hurt but not bruised. You slammed his face in a building and he scratched your arm, making it bleed. You wince in pain and grabbed your arm. Now THAT made Undyne mad. "Why you little" Undyne said about to walk across until Alphys and Frisk stopped her by the arms "w-we can't i-interfere!" Alphys said "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!! SHE'S GETTING HURT!" Undyne yelled "this isn't our fight! Let her fight so he can leave!" Frisk said and Undyne stood there breathing heavily and looked at Frisk then the fight "ok..." Undyne sighed. You tripped him and broke his arm. He screamed a little before running into the forest, vanishing into the darkness.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
"(Y/N)!" I hear Undyne yell. I turn around to see Undyne running to me and hugging me tightly "never do that again! I thought you would have died!" Undyne said hugging me tighter with tears coming. I smiled "don't worry. I didn't" I said and she pulled away "now let's patch you up" Undyne said holding my scraped cheek and I winced in pain but shrugged it off "ok" I said. Undyne picked me up in bridal style and walked to her house with a smile. Frisk and Alphys went to Alphys' lab to give us alone time.
~At Undyne's House~
"Ow!" I yelled in pain when Undyne put a alcohol covered cotten ball on my right cheek "sorry but you have to let me do this babe. It might get infected" Undyne said wrapping her arms around my waist when I tried running away. "But it hurts!" I said when Undyne put the cotton ball on my cheek again "I know but you have to fight it" I pouted and let Undyne do her work. "There we go! See? It wasn't so bad!" Undyne said putting away the alcohol " long as you do it" I mumbled and Undyne blushed. She soon smirked "oh come here!" Undyne yelled and brings me closer. She ruffled my hair and we laugh until she stopped and look into my (e/c) eyes and I looked into her yellow ones. We leaned in and kissed passionately. We pulled away with blushing faces and smiles "so you flirty now huh?" Undyne joked and giggle "eh, I was in the mood" I said and she smiled "well you better stay here until we know for sure that jerk is gone" Undyne said giving a mad and disgust look. I giggled "ok if it makes you happy" I said "c'mon let's go. It's already late" Undyne said and I looked out the window "how long does it take you to walk here!?" I yelled and Undyne laughed "well we were in Snowdon. So yeah" Undyne said and I shook my head with a smirk "ok I get it. Let's go" I said grabbing Undyne' s hand and went upstairs.
~In Undyne's room~
I borrowed a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Undyne was already in bed so I cuddled up against her. She wrapped her arms around me protectively before falling asleep along with me. For once I felt safe at night.

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