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I turn around the corner with my friends and see the little nerd from earlier. "Hey, i'll see you guys later in the cafeteria guys so don't wait up for me!" I grin. "Ok lil dude, bye!!" Undyne pats my head then walks off while waving at me. I watch all my friends leave. As soon as they're out of eyesight I walk up to the little nerd's locker. I lean against the next locker next to his. He closes his locker and sees me, "H-" "AHHH!!!!" I face palm as he jumps back clenching his heart. Note: Never scare the geek. I can see little sweat beads roll down his face. He's clearly s h o o k and nervous. I don't blame him tho, I am a very intimidating person.  


"Ow!" I hold my cheek as I wince in pain. "Hold still!" He says while gently pressing an ice pack on my cheek. "It hurts!" I growl. "If you hadn't scared me, I wouldn't have slapped you." He hissed.

Pause. Ok I should probably rewind and tell you what happened next after I scared him at his locker up until now. You guys are probably confused.

(Aaaaand he broke the 4th wall .-_.-)

"H-" "AHHH!!!" I face palm as he jumps back clenching his. "I'm so-" *WACK* "OW FUCK!" I clench my cheek. "Omg I'm so sorry!! Please don't hurt me!!" He put his arms up covering his face. I grabbed his arms and put them down by his sides, "Oh my fucking God! I'm not going to fucking hurt you! If I wanted to hurt you I would've the first time we met jackass!" He started to tear up. "I'msosorryforassumingyouwouldhurtme" He squeaked. *Sigh* Way to start the year off.

I let go of him and stepped back a little bit since I was too close. *Gasp* "What?" I said. He put his hand up to my cheek and caressed it. Wow his hands are so soft. Aaand I sound like a pervert. "Your cheek is starting to bruise.." I lightly blushed out of embarrassment. "Let's me take you to the nurse's office so I can you an ice pack." He said worriedly. "I-it's ok, I'm fine" I smiled. "Don't care, I'm gonna take you anyways" He softly smiled at me. I gave a small smile back.

How can someone be this nice, oof, my heart. I have never met someone this nice it melts my heart. "Let's get going!" He grabs my wrist and drags me all the way to the nurses office. As soon as we get there we see a yellow sticky note that says, "Out to lunch, be back in half an hour but if you need something from in here like a band aid, ice pack, inhaler, ect. Please go ahead and help yourself -Nurse Toriel :)" Who in their right mind would leave the room unlocked and just let kids waltz in here? That is irresponsible and dangerous. I look over at the little nerd as he puts his hand on the door knob and twists it open.

He swings the door wide open then gracefully shoves me inside closing the door behind him. He walks over to the fridge and opens the freezer, he then proceeds to get a little stool and hop on it. "Pfft" I try my best to hold in my laugh but horribly fail. I burst out laughing. Tears of laughter start to build up in the corner of my eyes. He looks pissed. *WACK* He threw a towel at my face then huffed, "Jerk."

"Sorry I couldn't help myself." I giggle. He pulls out an ice tray and places it on the counter. He grabs a plastic bag and dumps 5 ice cubes in there. He makes sure to zip it close tight not letting any air in. He walks over to me and takes the rag out of my hand and wraps the rag around the bag of ice.

He gently presses it on my cheek. But my bruise is very sensitive so-


"Ow!" I hold my cheek as I wince in pain. "Hold still!" He says while gently pressing an ice pack on my cheek. "It hurts!" I growl. "If you hadn't scared me, I wouldn't have slapped you." He hissed.

I hate it when this nerd is right. "Shut up." I mumble. He looked mad but a bit sad. The atmosphere was awkward. We both stayed quite for a while until he broke the silence saying, "Well I should get going." He gets up off the chair he was sitting on. As soon as he starts to walk up to the door I grab his wrist and pull him back. "H-huh? P-p-pj what are you doing?!" He squeaked as he blushed heavily. I clear my throat and say "THANKYOU" I feel the heat rush up to my cheeks. Oh God that was embarrassing. Kill me now.

He smiles. Then says in a soft, gentle voice, "You're welcome" and then he was gone.

<Here you go my beautiful children -3->

~Naj~ Pj x FreshWhere stories live. Discover now