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I look back and see that Pj is running in my direction!! Oh god... I shut my eyes closed hoping that this is all a dream. *bam* Oww my head... I open my eyes and can't see anything. "Ugh..." I hear a voice. 

On with the story~

"Ugh..." I hear a voice. I look up and see Eve. *Gasp* "I'msosorryEve" I say nervously. "F-fresh?" She says blinking her eyes. "Yes?" I ask. "It's ok but enough about me are you ok?" She says worriedly. "Y-yea, I'm fine" I say in a hushed tone.

She rolls her eyes playfully and says "Ok, what's wrong?" Crap.. I can't hide shit from her. "Look I don't wanna talk about it right now how bout I tell you later..?" I'm hoping she'll be okay with that. I close my eyes shut tightly. "Ok, sure you can tell me when we get home if you want!" I open one eye up and look at her, she smiles at me.

"Now go to your class" She nudges my arm. "This is my next class" I laugh. "Damn I feel bad for you! The teachers a bitch! B-I-T-C-H!" She whispers. "I highly doubt that, what did you do?" She dramatically gasps and clenches where her heart is, "All I did was chew gum and she tried to punish me!!" I roll my eyes "Jeez, you're so dramatic"

She laughs and lightly punches my arm. "I try" she says and then smiles a big grin. "Well I better get going to my next class, see ya!" Eve says and walks off to wherever her next class is. I walk into Math and seat down in the first row, near the window. I don't know why but I like sitting next to the window. "HI!" I fall off my chair and scream. A tall skeleton stands right above me. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" He says worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine." I get up and dust myself off. "Uhh..? Who are you?" He stands in fab pose and says "I AM THE GREAT AND MAGNIFICENT PAPYRUS!! NYEH NYEH!!! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" I nervously say "M-my name is Fresh" He flashes a big smile at me. "THAT'S A COOL NAME!" I get up and and dust myself off, "Thanks".  I pulled my chair back up and sat down in it. "N-not trying to sound rude but um an you maybe.. be a little quieter?" I ask while fiddling with the bottom corner of my shirt. "Sure" He said in an inside voice. "Thanks, i'm just not use to loud noises. Sorry if that came off rude.." I say looking down. "No need to apologize friend I understand" He said, gently patting my back.

I gently smile at him. "Ok everybody! Please have a seat!!" The teacher says. "My name is Ms. Gomez and I will be your math teacher for the rest of the year" she smiles at all of us. "Alright now class open your books up to page..."

*time skip to lunch*

I walk out of green architecture and go to my locker. I open it and stack my books under the rest of the ones I need for the rest of the day. I close it and yell, "AHHH!!!!" I grip where my heart would be and jump back. "P-P-PJ?!?!?!" I yelp. 


I turn around the corner with my friends and see the little nerd from earlier. "Hey, i'll see you guys later in the cafeteria guys so don't wait up for me!" I grin. "Ok lil dude, bye!!" Undyne pats my head then walks off while waving at me. I watch all my friends leave. As soon as they're out of eyesight I walk up to the little nerd's locker. I lean against the next locker next to his. He closes his locker and sees me, "H-" "AHHH!!!!" I face palm as he jumps back clenching his heart. Note: Never scare the geek. I can see little sweat beads roll down his face. He's clearly  s h o o k  and nervous. I don't blame him tho, I am a very intimidating person. 

((Ight I am tired and will continue this next time :p 
Sorry guys '^-^

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