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*Send me your location~ Let's focus on communicatin' Cause I just need--*

I turned off my alarm and got up. *sigh* I mumbled "Today is gonna be a long day". I went to my dresser and grabbed my usual 'nerd' clothes. I changed and walked out into the kitchen and saw mom making pancakes and bacon. "Mornin' Fresh" she said trying to sound happy and not tired. "Morning mom". She's not my real mom. She's my adoptive mom but she's the same age as me and we attend the same school. Her name is Eve but since she's the closest thing I have to a parent. I call her mom. I walked to the counter and grabbed coffee. When we're in school I have to call her Eve so no one can find out our secret. If we're in public like going to the grocery store or something she uses a spell to make her look older and different and I have to call her mom so people don't get suspicious and things.

Eve handed Fresh his plate of food. They both ate quickly and put their dishes in the sink. Fresh waited in the living room for Eve to hurry up getting ready. Eve was ready to go and grabbed the keys to her motorcycle. "Can I drive this time?" Fresh asked with enthusiasm. "No." "What?! But why?!!" He whined. She pointed to her motorcycle, "Last time I let you take Lams, here, for a ride you almost killed us!" She complained. "Hmph!" Fresh pouted. "Don't start with that Fresh." He kept pouting. "Oh no, you don't! Don't give me that attitude little boy! That ain't working on me this time." Eve hopped on Lams and patted the bit of space in the back. "Come on. Hope on or else we're gonna be late." 

Fresh raised a non-existent brow, "Since when do you care about school?" She rolled her eyes playfully, "I don't but I care about your education. Now hop on!" She grinned. Fresh hopped on behind the motorcycle and put his arms around her waist holding on for dear life. She started up the motorcycle and sped away.

~Time Skip~  

They arrived at school and parked Lams. They headed towards the office to get their class schedules. "What's your first class Fresh?" Eve asked him as they walked out of the office. "I got history. What about you?" "I feel bad for you but I got math." She whined. "It's not so bad" He gave her a small smile. "It is bad if you suck at math" She laughed. Fresh looked at his watch, his eyes widened worriedly, "Oh crud! We're gonna be late, we gotta hurry to our classes!" He was about to run off until Eve grabbed the collar of his shirt and whispered to him, "Calm down, also have a good day kiddo, i'll see ya lunch and during free period. Bye!" She smiled. "You too! Bye!" He smiled and ran off to his class. Eve ran off to her class as well.

Yes!! I made it on time!! I took a seat in the second row, all the way to the right corner, near the window. I took my notebook out and started taking notes as the teacher began the lesson.

I slammed my hands on my desk. "LADY YOU'RE CRAZY! ALL I'M DOING IS CHEWING GUM!! IT AIN'T BOTHERING ANYONE!!" I yelled(clearly X'D) Ms. Whatever-her-fuckin-name-is was teaching her stupid class and caught me chewing gum and started bitching about so of course i'm gonna cuss her the fuck out. "Young lady I will not tolerate yelling or chewing gum in my class!!" Ms. Whatever-her-fuckin-name-is said. "I have a name! Use it!" I sassed back. "I gave you a warning now i'm taking points away. I didn't want to have to take points away but you left me no choice! By the way, that will be 4 points taken off for the disrespect." "First of all, you did have a choice, I didn't make you take points away and if you didn't want to take away points you didn't have to! Second of all, you showed me disrespect first so of course i'm gonna show you disrespect. Third of all, I. WILL. NOT. TOLERATE. DISRESPECT! DID. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR?!"

She left me alone and continued her lesson. I feel pissed but great. 

I walked into my class almost 10 minutes late. "Why are you late to class Paperjam? And on the first day back?" Ms. Cranny said.(Just some random ass character) "I was late because I slept in this morning" Ms. Cranny just shook her head and sighed, "Just take a seat" I looked around and noticed that the only seat available was next to some nerd. Fml (Fuck My Life) I walked towards him and sat next to him. "Hi" I said trying to make small talk. Instead of responding he just looked out the window and completely ignored me.

"HEY!" I whisper shouted in his ear.(Idk XD) He flinched and looked straight at the board. "Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face. He slapped my hand away and said "Hi." Jeez... What is this guys problem?

Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Omg!! Calm down Fresh. All you did was smack a jock's hand right? How bad could that be? ..... Scratch that that thought! This is really bad!! What if he beats me up at the end of this class?? Take a deep breath Fresh! Just calm down, everything is gonna be ok.... Hopefully...

"What's your problem?!" Oh no... "What do you mean?" I asked. "Ugh, nevermind nerd!" Damn he's rude. "I have a name, it's Fresh. Use it." I said while still staring at the board. I heard him growl and mumble something under his breathe.

~Time Skip :D~

*Ring, Ring*

Yessss!!! I don't have to be in History anymore!! I ran out of that class as fast as i could and towards my friends who were across the hall.

I waited for everyone to leave the classroom and then I left. From across the hall I saw Paperjam with his friends!! Oh no... I started to run away to the math room because of 2 reasons.

1) Eve had that class and she's most likely there still
2) I have that class next

I look back and see that Pj is running in my direction!! Oh god... I shut my eyes closed hoping that this is all a dream. *bam* Oww my head... I open my eyes and can't see anything. "Ugh..." I hear a voice.

~Naj~ Pj x FreshWhere stories live. Discover now