So Close Yet So Far

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So Close Yet So Far

Quinine POV

I hurriedly lean back then clears my throat standing up and grabbing his guitar while he walks towards his door opening it, revealing Asmodeus who walked in.

"Ahh well hello Quinine, what brings you here to our room?"

"As you can see... We were practicing, and you had to knock to come into your own room?"

I arched a brow at him as he chuckles running his fingers through his hair looking back at me.

"See what had happened was... I lost my keys over at Revin's."

"Awww the cat woman stole your items?"

I smirked at him as he does a retort laugh shaking his head lightly before giving his attention to Duma.

"Oh. Savvy asked about you Duma. She's been missing your loving if you know what I mean."

He winked at Duma, Duma chuckles shaking his head, I don't know why, but I got really pissed at that, I put his guitar down and walked out of his room.

"Catch you later."

I simply said as Duma ran after me catching up so easily.

"Hey, Hey, Hey... What was that about Quinine?"

I put on my blindfold then looks at him frowning.

"I'm not going to be there while you and your player buddy, talk about sluts you've slept with and shit."

I spat at him harshly, he arched a brow then sigh softly.

"Quin... But.... The song, that... Kiss that almost happened.."

"Yeah /almost/. So close yet so far."

I roll my eyes walking away from him, Okay maybe I took it a bit too far but hey.... Jealousy is a true bitch.

Chasing HerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon