The Nightclub

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The NightClub

Duma POV

"Okay... Now I must try a different angle this time, but... How?"

I asked one of my friends, we're all in my dorm room (I told you I do both) sitting down, I'm on my bed, Asmodeus is on one of my bean bags as Abaddon is on the other and Azreal is on my computer looking up stuff.

"Just grab her and kiss her dude, it shouldn't be that hard."

Asmodeus said, I roll my eyes then shake me my head.

"Dude. I tried to yesterday but the moment I /snuck/ up on her she flipped me. Then told me to go back to making out with Savvy! It was as if she wasn't jealous at all."

They all started laughing as I then uncover my blindfold showing my orange/red marble eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Laugh it up dickweeds. I mean it shouldn't be this hard."

"It's only the beginning doofus, she'll give in one of these days... They always do."

Abaddon said while shrugging as Azreal cleared his throat catching all of our attention.

"Well... Maybe you can try tonight at the nightclub."

He pointed at the screen, I was the first one to get up and walked over to the computer looking at our usual nightclub.

"Hey... I know that hair... I know that body..."

Holy shitballs it was her! She calls herself TheDreamsCrusher, I always use to watch her at the clubs on late nights but I had to stop because of school, she's wearing her hair up like she did on the first day, blindfold a rebel biker vest with this hot ass black galaxy looking outfit that snug her curves and boots to finish her off. I never thought I'd say this, but she is absolutely gorgeous.

"Damn! That's Quinine? Fuck she's sexy as hell!"

I immediately punch Asmodeus in the gut causing him to grunt holding his stomach in pain, Why the hell did I do that? He's my fucking friend!

"Dude?! What'd you do that for?!"

He looked at me as I regain my composure by smirking and clearing my throat.

"I don't like your dick on my fucking back dude."

I saved as he stood up and nods understandingly.

"That's understandable, sorry man."

I nod as I then look back at her picture of her sitting down while her band mates was around her.

"Let's go to the nightclub. I'll bring Savvy."

I said, Abaddon stood up from his beanbag and stretched silently.

"Can't I promised Twin movie night."

"And I told Veni that I'm taking her to this place I always go to, so I'm taking her out."

Azreal said standing up, him and Abaddon walked out of my room, I chuckle at them because it was crazy how Abaddon /used/ to hate demons but now he's in love with Twinerix who's a succubus but she don't cheat at all and they've been together for a good two years. Azreal and Veni (another demon) been together for a year.

"Alright jerkwad I'll go with you, and I'll bring Revin."

"I thought you two broke up?"

"She's like catnip, I keep coming back."

He replied chuckling on the way out. I purse my lips then took a nice shower for a good twenty minutes getting out of the shower drying myself off then put on my boxers and went into my room putting on my brown leather spiky pants with a blank tank top and brown leather jacket with spikes that matches the pants then my black tennis shoes. I put on my blindfold ruffling my wet hair then a knock was on my door, I walk towards it opening up only to find a hungry eyed blonde looking at me.

"You must be looking forward to this nightclub baby. Or... Night in.."

She said seductively touching my chest, I grab her hand and kissed her knuckles smiling at her softly.

"Savvy, baby, lets go."

I simply said snapping my fingers as my keys and my wallet flies into my pockets as I then close the door locking it.

"So... Why the sudden interest in this club?"

Savvy asked me tilting her head lightly, I just shrugged coolly.

"Just need the fun."

I replied as we walked outside unlocking my motorcycle getting on with her behind me, I put on my helmet then give her, her own and pulled out driving off, about a good ten minutes later we were at the club I park my motorcycle locking it then walks inside of the club with Savvy on my arm. As soon as we walked in, there she was... Setting up herself to go on.

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