3- And Then She Got Angry

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When I got home from the boardwalk, Charlie still wasn't back which didn't concern me too much. I took the opportunity to sort through some of my stuff that I hadn't quite got around to putting away the previous day.

With my music blasting, I didn't hear Charlie come home until she jumped on my back and scared the crap out of me. "Jesus Charlie!" I screamed simultaneously with a 'hello' screamed in my ear.

"Got ya" She winked, getting off me and flopping onto the bed.

"I hate you so much. My heart feels like it is about to explode" I said clutching my chest.

"You'll get over it" She teased.

"You do realise that this is war now don't you?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Bring it biatch" She smirked.

"Oh I will. Trust me" I said, matching her expression.

Our staring match was cut short as my phone rang from beside me.

"Ah sorry, I have to get this" I said looking at the caller i.d, the screen showing it was my brother calling.

"All good" Charlie replied getting up off my bed and walking out of the room.

"Hey Dyl" I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Hey lil sis, how is life treating you?"

"Oh you know, freedom is tasting pretty great right about now. What about you?" I mused.

"Yeah yeah, not bad. Hey I have some news"

"Please don't tell me your expecting a child too" I groaned into the phone.

"Ah Viv told you about her pregnancy then" Dylan chuckled. "I thought you would be happy to be an aunty"

"Oh I am happy. I love little kids but this just makes Viv all the more perfect. I can't complain though, she's happy and that's what matters right?" I asked rhetorically. I saw Charlie poke her head through the door way with a sorrowful expression on her face.

"Hang on a sec Dylan" I spoke into the phone. "Hey Char, what's up?" I asked.

"Sorry to interrupt, I completely forgot before. I'm just about to head off to a party, you wanna come?" She asked.

"I'd love to" I started, "but maybe not tonight. Next party I promise. Thank you though"

"No worries. I'll see you tomorrow then" She replied and I heard her skipping down the hallway, leaving with a slam of the door.

"Sorry about that" I apologised to Dylan.

"Well I am shocked. Was that really you, Alice Johnson, turning down a party?" He teased.

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes.

"No seriously. Freedom must have changed you and it's only been what, twenty four hours?"

"Dyl" I groaned, trying to get his teasing to stop.

"Okay okay. Sorry. But honestly, are you still planning on partying like you were now that you've moved out? You know mum and dad won't be there to bust you out of the police station so easily anymore." He said, the mood suddenly turning deep.

"It was one time!" I whined "I don't want them to come down and get me either because I am not planning on doing stupid shit. That was just to get attention but now I've accepting that I am the disappointment child and will do things for me" I said with affirmation.

"You're still their child Al" Dylan said softly.

"Yep right. Anyway, what was your news?" I said changing the topic.

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