''That's wrong. I am innocent. He is lying while his sister is short tempered.'' That was true, if she has granny's eyes she has her temper too. Frankly , I enjoy riling her up. He baby temper is too amusing, but she is a darling too. Once annoyed, she will only calm after being pampered by all.

Next one hour I watched his getting pampered by his mother. I did few stretching exercise to ease my back and then decided to go for a run. It was still 6 AM as my son didn't allow both of us to sleep for whole night.

I smiled and waved at Ananya, who had been out on her walk. Usually she accompanies granny but today she was alone, ''Where is granny?''

''She left a minute back, I didn't wanted to so decided to take another stroll.'' We walked along for sometime before she fired a question, ''Anything on Netra?''

''Not much, she was last seen somewhere in Maharashtra '' I replied

''One update, she is on a husband hunting. She is targeting the rich ones, let her.. She has started strengthening her defences.''

''You think she will retaliate soon?''

''No, she did that mistake twice. She won't repeat for few years.'' She then smiled at me, ''I have a request. You did awesome job in Suryagarh, you should show it to Dipika.''

''I am planning to take her and Vikram there.''

''Not Vikram. Not now, not till he ready to face his challenges himself. Veer I agree we take maximum precautions, but just can't trust them.'' I nodded. She was right, Dipika and I are mentally prepared for all kinds of dangers but Vikram is still a baby.

''He looks happy, after spoiling my sleep.'' I said entering the play room where Dipika was trying to engage Vikram with toys. She shook her head, moving to the cupboard I pulled out a box and started fixing the make shift baby fences, ''I thought you were joking about the fences'' she exclaimed watching me fixing it.

''Dipu, he runs all over the suite and at times we can't keep a watch. I fear him running to the porch . It can be dangerous.''

''Will he stay in here?'' She asked doubtfully

''Don't know but have to try.'' After fixing it I crossed it without difficulty and extended my hand to Dipu. She smiled and joined me in a minute, the moment she crossed it Vikram's eyes went to us. He threw his toy in a corner and ran towards the fence. Being little over his head made it impossible for him to cross it, he screamed and I smiled. I wanted to tease him more so I pulled Dipu closer, she too was having a hard time controlling her laughter. Though, he loves me but nothing comes before his mother. He wailed making an innocent face , Dipu tried moving to him but I pulled her back. Then he stared at me, moving back to his toys he started throwing them all around.

''This is what I have to control.'' I said. She looked at me with wide eyes, ''You think he is like...''

''No, he is just like me. Dad too had his ways to tame me, I will tame him. '' But the truth was, Vikram's anger was lot more aggressive than mine. If I mentioned it to her, she will just sit and over think. Moving closer, I unlocked the small door and he ran out hugging Dipu's legs. Squatting I pulled him to me, ''No screaming. Okay''

His lips drooped , cupping his face I placed a peck on his forehead. He stared at me with complaining eyes, ''I get it, you don't like to be tied down. But you will have learn about being tied down too. Now give daddy a kiss.'' He smiled and gave a sloppy kiss on cheek. 

A knock on the door took our attention and Sitara walked in, ''Hukum, can I take him his riding lesson'' Dipu nodded, Sitara looked at Vikram and without a word he ran to her. ''See, when it comes to females he is such a darling and when it comes  males his tantrums start.''

Dipu stared at me, ''Really! Where do you derive these conclusions from?''

''by observing baby. I have been watching him since he stepped into this house. Other than you, he is smitten with his A. When she speaks, he sees no one. With mom , he is like angle with a Halo. Around Raksha he so damn sweet that its hard to believe he the same guy. And not to forget Granny, he behave as if he is the most obedient one around.''

''Veer he is just one, no kid can be that smart.'' She reasoned walking away

''He acts infront of you, in your absence he does all that.'' She just ignored and went about making the room. ''You don't believe me, then why is this guy always acts as a bone in my romance. Just think about it.'' 

She huffed, ''All this stupid theory just because he is little possessive about his mother. Veer every baby is little possessive about their mother. You are just blowing everything out of proportion. '' Moving to her I pulled her close, ''This the effect of me not being able to spend enough time with you. If this continues, I am sure I will lose my sanity.''

Laughing she gently pushed me, ''you are shameless, you don't even....'' Her words halted as I gave her a smile

''You were saying.''

''Let's go, its time for breakfast and then you have to leave.''

''Dipu, I want to take you to Suryagarh. I want you to know that I tried very hard to make it the way your grandmother wanted it to be. I can't show her, but your happiness and satisfaction will give her peace.'' She stood frozen at her place, there was no reaction. Neither a no nor a yes. Moving to her, I held her hand, ''You said you are stronger, now its time to prove.''

''Veer, if anything goes wrong or if anything happens to us...''

''Vikram will still have all the love. Stop fearing, its time we start living.'' She nodded, I still could feel her scared tense mind. Pulling her in my arms, I rubbed her back and placed a peck on her forehead, ''I don't think so we should be worried about anything going wrong, I have plans to blackmail that brat of yours with his nappy dancing videos when he grows up. Now, lets go.''

We joined everyone in the room, the calmness has bought easy going attitude in our family. I watched all the faces, yes even I fear the worst. Though I have done all in my approach to make it a safe place, the dangers linger around. 

My eyes met bhai's and he smiled. Moving them to Rolli he said, ''Even if you are worried about needle today, it won't pain that much tomorrow. So don't think much about it.'' I smiled while others just shrugged their shoulders. 

I knew what he meant, he wanted me to forget all the things and focus on living. I knew i will be safe, because I have my amazing brother watching my back. I was filled with hope and strength, I have learned to hope and I will make Dipu to believe on it. We started discussing about the small party planned for the evening to celebrate Raksha's Birthday.  Strangely, she kept just kept mum, occasionally smiling and watching her phone.

Drop of a plate took our attention to Raksha, she abruptly got up, ''Excuse me.'' With that she ran away she ran away leaving her phone behind. I think I saw her busy scrolling on it, Ananya got up but Bhai stopped her, ''I need time with my sister, alone. Veer!'' And I followed him, grabbing the phone. On my way I scrolled the pictures which made my sister cry, you are so dead Adi.


How many of you remember Rajshiri? There is a twist coming up involving her. Do drop in your views and comments and don't forget to vote

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