Chapter 13

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She left, and again. From the porch, I watched her walking away without give me any glance.  I kept walking backwards, my eyes on her retreating form. She didn't turn, not even once.Am I non-existent for her? Do I stand nowhere in her now? My legs collided with the edge of the bed , I crashed down filled with the feeling of dejection. Did she really think I would have harmed the child, I may have not seen him or held any affection. But I am not a monster to hurt a small baby. The thought of the child suddenly brought back his innocent face back to my eyes. He is mine, my son. Bhai was right he had so much of me.

I don't know, how long I sat like that. The growing darkness made me realised of my lost state. My muscles felt stiff sitting in that position. Leaning back I supported my back on my arms extended behind. As my palms brushed the silken smoothness, something soft came in the vicinity of my hand. Turning around, I grabbed it and smiled. It was Vikram's sock, so small and soft. Pulling it closer, I pressed it against my face and smiled. I suddenly felt light. He is my son, she didn't betray me.

''I regret the day I met his father.'' Her words from other day came back like a poisonous arrow. My grip on sock turned hard. She won't make it easy and I don't care. I was mad then, I am mad now, for not sharing her pregnancy with me. For keeping my child's life at stake, bring on wife. I am ready for all the challenges. Pushing the sock in my pocket, I moved to my room packing the necessary things. Rest can be bought later. I checked once and was good to go when I recalled about the hounds. First , I need to find the one who left the baby alone. Whatever the situation was, I had given strict orders of keeping the hounds off the chambers during the day. I was mad at the staff, who decided to leave Vikram alone even after Dipika asked her to watch over him. Quickly changing into casual wear, I threw the bag over my shoulder, walking straight to the hotel staff room. I am going the fire the one who left my son alone.


It was past midnight when I could make it to the main Palace. Grabbing my bag, I moved excusing my security and driver. I made sure to give them a day off for making them drive me at this hour. The Palace was quite, and why not. No one would be up waiting or expecting me. I moved to my suite, unlocking it gently. Placing the bag gently on the couch in the hall, I took my shoes off. I didn't wanted to wake Vikram up. Tip toeing to the room, I peeped before stepping in. Dipika lay sprawled diagonally on the bed. She must have slept off while putting the little guy to sleep. As I moved closer to the crib, my heart started thudding mad in anticipation. I smiled looking down at the small bundle in the dim light of night lamp. He was awake, or may be just woke up. He was moving his limbs and stared at the small merry go round hung on his crib. He made a soft squeal and I lifted him up, moving to the other room. I sat on the bed holding him against my face, we stared at each other in astonishment. I was overwhelmed, whereas he looked confused to be held by a new person, ''Hi son, I am your Dad and I am sorry for my earlier behaviour towards you. I wanted to know you even before you opened your eyes in the world. Your mother denied me that right.'' I turned quite feeling the growing anger in my veins, he smiled and that was the best thing I had seen in months. It calmed my heart and gave a meaning to my existence. Bringing him closer, I pecked his nose, cheeks, forehead. He squealed again making me chuckle. I cooed him for some time, trying to put him to sleep, but he seemed reluctant. ''Don't you sleep little guy.'' Don't know what he understood, but he smiled. Lifting him up, I walked around talking to him of random things. After few minutes, I felt he slept off. I checked once and then walked back into his mother's room, placing him gently in the crib. I covered him with the blanket and decided to leave, just then his mother decided to wake up. Her eyes met mine and then went to my hands in the crib. She jumped off the bed in lightning speed , grabbing my wrist she pulled me out of the room and locked the door, ''What were you doing to my son? If you think you can harm him, let me tell  you I won't let it happen.''

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