Chapter 15

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Bhai's coronation turned out to be an amazing affair, till Netra appeared uninvited. Since she had little word with Deepika, my eyes never left my wife's face. She looked troubled , scared and worried. The way she held Vikram close to her chest for rest of the night, gave away her state of mind. I guess, even granny understood her plight and asked her to retire along with Ananya.

''She practically cannot harm Vikram in this Palace.'' Granny said after Deepika left with Vikram.

''But who invited her.'' That came from bhai. Hemant extended a note to him and Bhai''s expression changed from frown to anger. He crushed the paper, ''Did we send an invite to Rajshri's father.''

''We did, we had to. For courtesy sake.'' Dad replied

''he gave his invite to that lady. '' Bhai looked agitated. "I will tighten Vikram's security more.''

''Bhai, as granny said. Its impossible for them to penetrate our doors.'' I tried calming him

He shook his head, ''We felt that and Deepika had to pay the price. It took me 6 months to zero down on the mole within us. I am not taking any chances with Vikram.''

''That was then bhai, we answered our enemies in most brutal possible way. They would think twice before taking a step. And for now Netra is out of resources, Suryagrah practically belongs to Deepika till Vikram is ready.''

''I know, and that's what I am more worried about. '' He answered worried.

''Ranvijay, calm down. We will answer when required. For now , just go back to your chambers.'' Granny commanded and we dispersed.

When I walked into my suite, Sitara still was at the door. I checked time and relived her for the day. Stepping in, I heard my son's loud wailing, I picked him up to calm him, but he was in no mood of being pacified. I looked around but couldn't find Deepika. She never leaves Vikram alone and the thought got me worried. I searched for her in the suite and recalled her favorite place, the porch.

The sight that greeted me churned my insides in fear. She lay curled up on the hard floor, her body shivering like a leaf. Lifting her torso up, I called her out but got no response. She still shivered with her eyes closed. She seemed oblivious to my presence. Her expression gave away her fight her pain and her fear. I couldn't hold and I pulled her tight against my chest, ''Dipu, listen to me , you are safe. You are home. Just open your eyes once.'' She didn't respond but her heart rate started normalizing. I turned desperate, how much ever issues are there between us, I still can't stand her in pain because of someone else. I knew, it could be serious if she didn't open her eyes now, so I kissed her, deep. Pushing my lips hard against hers. She parted her lips taking a sharp breath allowing me more. I kept calling her between my kisses and then she opened her eyes looking straight into mine, ''Veer'' that came out in a whisper

''Better now?'' I asked worried. She nodded trying to get up. I noticed her shivering legs and scooped her up. She protested and I made an excuse about Vikram.

I decided to sleep in the same room there and then. She looked emotionally broken and I just didn't want to risk another episode. But what hurt bad when she rejected my advances. I cursed myself for being so attracted and smitten by her. All my defences collapse the moment she steps in my vicinity. I decided to keep a check on my madness to avoid further rejection


When I entered my suite after my fitness regime, I was greeted by the most adorable sight. Vikram lay on the bed only in his diapers, throwing his hands and arms in air making few sounds. He is such a happy baby. Dumping my bag in a corner, I walked to him. He blinked and the smiled, ''Good morning son. You look happy today. What's the achievement.'' I asked tickling his tummy. He giggled more.

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