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''Just be alert and let me know once have anything on her.'' Disconnecting the call, I leaned back on my chair. Netra's sudden disappearance had left me little worried. Though, I didn't show that to Dipu. I know that lady is trouble, we can't just lie low waiting for her to attack. I have to find her and nail her forever.

''Sir, is there anything pending for the day.'' My assistant asked in a low voice. I blinked suddenly being pulled of my thoughts. My eyes went to the wall clock , and I realised it was late. I felt guilty holding him up late on a Friday evening, ''No! Let me drop you home. Its late.'' I offered, knowing that the man preferred local source of communication, saving for his family. He gave in after my request turned into an order.


I was greeted by the laughter of my family as I walked towards the main hall, with a smile I entered the hall to find my son shaking his hips and other encouraging him. Pulling out my phone, I started recording as he innocently danced on a weird song entertaining his own family. ''I will show him this once he grows up.''

Bhai chuckled , ''No show it to his girl friends.'' That made the little girl in his arms squeal. ''No one is making your video, don't get angry.'' Bhai cooed pecking her nose. Vikram took small steps to bhai and imitated him placing a peck on Rolli's foot. She squealed again being ticklish. As we praised the little guy, I couldn't help but imagine the way time flew away. In a week he will be one, and soon he will big enough to take care of all of us.

He went to granny , placing his head on her lap. She caressed his head. ''Is my Prince tired '' Vikram turned his eyes to her curling his lip.

''That's Sad. Show granny the tired one.'' Came the voice of his A. He dramatically covered his face following her instructions. Our eyes went to Ananya, who one after the other mentioned an emotion and he acted the way she taught him.

''You are making him an expert in drama'' Mom teased.

''I am just making him learn to wear emotions when asked to, later I will teach him to hide when required. He will be a difficult man to read'' She replied. I felt thankful, bhai chose the right girl to be Queen. Vikram will get a formal training but most of it will be done by bhai and his A.

''Veer, You have to pick Raksha up tomorrow. Her connecting flight from Delhi will be landing in noon.'' Dad update

''Can I go too, with kids.'' Ananya chirped.

''NO!! that can be dangerous.'' Bhai intervened and she made a face. She is one dare devil, when I compare now, I find her stronger than bhai. Where bhai tries to take all precautions, she believes in living forgetting the danger. We moved to the dine-in room to have dinner, Vikram kept telling dad stories in his broken language and animated gestures.

I was woken by a rub on my chest, squinting I opened my eyes to look at the source and it made me smile with love. Vikram slept sprawled on me, rubbing his tiny face on my chest every now and then. Hugging him close, I pecked the top of his head. This was total bliss, he had started walking and talking last month and that had turned Dipu into a marathon runner, he would do some or other mischief and then take a flight with his mother chasing him around.

''I will put him in the crib.'' Dipu said walking out of bathroom, drying her wet hair. She slowly grabbed him from sides lifting him up, but before she could lift him completely, his hands grabbed my t-shirt as he started wailing, ''Daddy has to be up. Stop being a drama.'' But he just wouldn't let go.

''Its okay, I think even I am not ready to be up yet.'' I said pulling my son back to me. He buried his form in my chest. This little gesture made me swell in happiness. Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes, I will leave the bed when he wants me to. I knew Dipu must be watching us with a smile.

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