Flashback 2

557 35 13

~Still in Flashback~

I walked in and glanced at the walls as Mitch led me to his living room. Damn, Mitch and Jerome were in all these pictures. I sighed and entered into the living room where Jerome and Mitch were already laughing away. I didn't even realize Mitch sped up and came in here first.

"Hey doods!" I said enthusiastically. They just kept laughing. I sighed and sat down on a red and white stripped chair. I knew I was invisible, just it hurt to be in invisible to my friends. I watched as the pair laughed, not even glancing at me. I tried to enter the conversation, but quickly shut my mouth. No point in trying, right? Mitch stood up and put the movie that I brought in the DVD player, moving back to sit with Jerome. I rolled my eyes.

The movie started and it was my favorite, the first Transformers. Halfway through the movie, Jerome yawned and put his arm around Mitch. I almost lost it. Almost.

'How dare he put an arm around my soon-to-be boyfriend...' I hissed in my head. I swallowed a little and starred down at my hands, forgetting about the movie entirely. I looked back up and the breath literally got knocked out of my chest. Mitch was sucking Jerome's face off! My eyes widened and I made the noise of a dying raccoon. Mitch stopped kissing Jerome and looked over at me in surprise.

"Ty, when did you get back?"

"I never fucking left..." I snapped, standing up from the chair angrily.

"Thanks so much for crushing my fucking heart and flushing it down the damn toilet!" I growled, making my way towards the door.

"Ty wait!" Jerome yelled, trying to stand up. I turned around and glared at the brown ball of fuzz.

"Fuck off." I moodily snapped. I got to the door and before I left, my eyes landed on the only picture of Mitch and me. I had my arm across Mitch's shoulders and a drink in my hand while Mitch was laughing happily. I growled and smashed the picture to the ground.

"Ty...!" Mitch yelled at me, his eyes wide.

"Thanks so fucking much..." I snarled, stomping away from the boy and his Bacca.

------ :::::;;;;;;----- (still in Flashback)

I sat down on the bar stool and called the bar tender over.

"Best damn beer you have." I said moodily, glaring at him a little. He rushed off with a nod of his head, probably scarred shitless by me.

'How fucking dare they not tell me! How dare Mitch not see how much I loved him! I loved him more then life for gods sake! I did EVERYTHING FOR HIM! WHEN JEROME LEFT FOR VACATION AND HE NEEDED SOMEONE TO TALK TO, WHAT DID I DO?! I fucking PLAYED MINECRAFT WITH HIM ALL NIGHT! AND WHEN JEROME GOT BACK, WHO DID HE FUCKING GO RUNNING UP TO, SQUEALING?! Jerome! And who did he forget even existed?! ME!' I screamed in my head, taking a sip of my beer. This was going to be a long ass night.


I was completely and utterly wasted. After the anger came the tears and I sobbed until the bar closed. I stumbled out the doors of the bar, tears still traveling freely down my face.

"God damn world! Why couldn't you just let me be happy?! I have nothing to live for anymore...." I yelled, my sobbing making me stop. I didn't remember where I parked the car so I found a tree, slammed my back against it, and sat on the ground. I cradled my head in my hands and sobbed. And sobbed. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and looked up groggily to meet the eyes, well more like sunglasses, of Sky.

"S-Sky?" I slurred tearily, not believing he was there. He smiled.

"It's okay... I've got you."

-- Flash back ended--

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