"Hey, hey woah making cuts Princess." He said defensively.

"Speaking the truth dearest." I responded with a fake smile.

He rolled his eyes, walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and held me close to him and whispered yet another apology in my ear before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my bedroom, down the stairs and to his car. He was lucky I had my phone in the other hand.

We went to Applebee's for lunch, it was kinda one of my favorite places to eat. We talked about how much I hated the new storyline, and how much he surprisingly hate the new storyline. We talked aobut how excited we were for the concert, me more than him obviously because he'd seen them live twice and I never have. He even went to a meet and greet with Andy, Ashley, CC, Jake and Jinxx. Privately. Honestly I enjoyed hearing him talk. I loved his voice, it just made me smile.

Soon enough we were done eating and it was to the oncert we went. I saw the tickets sitting on the center console when we got in the car so I picked them up and looked at them. They said the concert didn't start till 6:00. I got really confused because Colby said we had to be there for 4:00, 4:30 the latest.

"Flounder why are we going to the venue so early?"

"What do you mean Princess?"

"You said we have to be there by 4-4:30 but the tickets say the concert doesn't start until 6:00." I responded confused.

"You'll see Princess." He responded before cranking the radio. Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low was on. That was the song we used to sing together before we first started dating. When I was really depressed and I wanted to run away or sometimes even when I wanted to die, he would sing 'Princess run away with me, I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me, I wanna be your lost boy, your last chance, a better reality..' instead of 'Wendy run away with me..'

We drove in silence for a few seconds, but then he started singing to me. He wasn't a great singer but he was good enough for me. I laughed as he grabbed my hand with the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and he sang louder. After the song was over we both sat there in silence, but it was a comfortable one. His hand holding mine, both of us with big smiles on our faces. Just like it used to be. I let out a small chuckle and surprisingly over the extremely loud music, he could hear it.

"What's so funny Princess?"

"Nothing Prince Eric." I responded.

"Did you... did you just call me Eric?" He asked quietly, turning down the music.

"I think I did." I responded slightly alarmed that I had let that slip out.

"Princess I don't know what to say.." He trailed off.

That's it. I knew it. I ruined it. I knew I would mess it up somehow. I just knew it. We sat there again in silence. Except this one was the most awkward silence of my life. He was still holding my hand but he was just kind of limp. I knew I would make a move too soon. I knew I should have waited longer after everything that had happened. We pulled into the back lot of the venue. That wasn't really normal for a concert, but I just rolled with it because I was to scared to even open my mouth to speak. He cut the engine and opened his door, grabbing the tickets from the center console before closing his door. I sat there for a second and watched him walk over to my door and open it for me.

He grabbed my hand and helped me get out but rather than walk into the venue after he closed my door he kind of blocked me up against the car. I was scared I must admit. I thought he was going to confront me about calling him Prince Eric. But to my surprise, I was wrong.

"Ariel, do you love me?" He asked in a stern sort of voice.

"Yes." I replied no louder than a whisper.

"Ariel, I know you miss the way it used to be, I know you want it to be like before. Don't be ashamed because you called me Prince Eric back there in the car. I have been waiting for that to happen okay? I have been waiting for the day you seem ready enough for me to walk back into your life." He said calmly, trying to make the situation lighter.

"But, I said it too soon, I was going to wait longer and let things grow and see if it was going to work and-" I started to babble but he cut me off by placing his index finger against my lips.

"Ariel, no more waiting please. Please tell me we can try again. Please I am begging you to give me another chance. I won't let you down. I swear this time I mean it. Please?"

Tears were now forming in my eyes as I watched the man I love beg for me to take him back, as I watched him beg for things to be as they once were. As I watched him begging for me to be his girlfriend again.

"Yes." I whispered barely audible.

"Really?" He asked with a glimmer of hope in his eye.

"Yes." I said slightly louder now, breaking a smile.

He lifted me up and spun me around, and then he kissed me. In that moment there was nothing else but us. Our lips moved in perfect sync as if they had never been apart. I know it is cliche to say that there were fireworks, but the moment our lips met it was like multiple fourth of July displays were happening in my mind. I had missed him so much, I had missed this so much. The kiss broke about a minute later, though I could tell neither one of us wanted it to. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box and I started freaking out mentally. We just got back together and he was already about to propose? Was that an engagement ring? As he opened the box my panic got worse until I saw what was inside. A small silver ring with two intertwining hearts. I had always loved little rings like that.

"Princess, I know we just got back together but I was sort of planning for this to happen, so I want to give you this. It's a promise ring, and I know they are oh so high school, but I wanted to give it to you as my promise that this time I won't mess up and I won't hurt you and I won't let you down." He said while placing the ring on my right ring finger.

"Prince Eric, It's beautiful, I love it." I said giggling, "Thank you so much my love it is perfect." I said giving him a quick kiss.

"Not as perfect as you." He said before grabbing my hand and leading me into the venue.

*Concert chapter to follow tomorrow, very busy today. My apologies. I love you all xoxo*

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