"Has there been Gaelic immigrants?" I asked thinking of Niall from back home.

"Yes," She smiled. "The king's wife is Des' sister so we have to let her people here," she smiled. "There are two portions of Gaelic, Northern and Southern. Southern is the part we get along with and the Northern dislikes us. In fact, the north is where they broke off and formed the Republic of Gaelic."

"So there's two kingdoms?"

"No, one, but the other has a different form of ruling. We don't know what it's about, but Des and I know they are dangerous."

I looked at her in curiosity. I couldn't imagine living in their shoes, I might, but I couldn't imagine it. I couldn't see Harry going over strategies day in and day out. I could only see him being nice and wanting to get to know the people he is ruling over. 

"I can't imagine Prince Harry ever having problems with anyone," I admitted. She laughed and nodded, I could see her son acquired her smile. Both were beautiful, but I loved his more.

"Me either, everyone loves him, he is such a charming young boy. Always has been since he was a baby," She laughed, her mind wandering to when her son was an infant. "He was such  tall baby, too. His legs ran for miles. He is all legs, even now."

"You're pretty tall yourself, must have gotten that from you," I said to her. She nodded with a laugh. "I think he'll change the kingdom to how he sees fit, he knows there are things that are in need of a desperate change and I think he will fix it."

"I do too," she smiled to me. "You see the same good I see in him. I'm glad."

"I want to get to know him, the real him. I like his goofy, cheeky side as well as his soft and sensible side. If I were to get married to him, I want to at least know him," I said to her with a smile. "Wouldn't you?"

"Yes," she smiled. "You're very different than when I was in your position. When Des and I realized that we liked each other, he proposed to me. Has Harry mentioned marriage at all?"

"Yes," I nodded slowly. "He has told me he would like to marry me, but if he were to ask, I'd decline at the moment."

"Why?" she asked. Shock was written over Queen Anne's face.

"I am not in love with him yet," I said simply. "If I know I am irrevocably in love with him and can't spend a day without him, I would then accept. I don't want to accept it if he were to ask now because what if we were simply just good friends? It's not fair on either of us. Yes we would be happy because we're with our friend, but we're not in love."

"I see your point," she smiled to me. "I was worried about that too when I was in your position, but I did fall in love with Des. Oh, he was so handsome when I met him. He is now, but Harry definitely got his good looks from his father."

"He looks just like you!" I laughed. "His hair and lip thing is the only thing I can see he got from his father," I said.

"His father is quite handsome, though," she said. "Gemma is definitely me. Practically identical."

"Almost," I laughed. "You hold your tongue more than she does, though."

"I still think I may get thrown from the palace for rude behavior. I know my children never would, especially Harry as he is the sole heir."

"How important is it to have a son?"

"Very," she said with wide eyes. "Desmond was not happy when Gemma was born. He was upset by the fact he didn't have an heir, he only had a kingdom connection. There is a reason why there is a four year gap between the children. It was so hard for us to conceive Harry."

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