Ch 11 - Kankuro's questions

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"What happened to your arm Naruto?" Kankuro who was at the moment standing beside Gaara giving him some paperwork, witch Gaara exceptet with a small sigh
"Oh! Erh! I fell from a tree... and it's actually just the elbow.."
"A tree?"
"I know it's stupid but a lot of things have been on my mind and i wasn't focused!"
"What things?"
"I'd rather not talk about it.."

"Anyway-" Gaara spoke up "your Here to get this scroll right?" He spoke as he held ip a green scroll with gold at the side
It matched the discription Kakashi had given them
"Yeah we sure are!" Naruto Said excitet and took the scroll from Gaara
"Thanks Gaara!"
"You all must be tired, so beforehand we booged you in, on a hotel Here in Suna... hope you don't mind!" Kankuro told them, unsure of they had planned to Stay the Night
"That's very generous! Thank you!and of course we don't mind"
"Oh..that's good!" Kankuro Said


"So we booged that Naruto had a room alone-because he is the only boy Here- and that you Girl shared a that fine?" Kankuro statet as he escortet the 3 of them to the hotel
"Oh that's great! Then we Can have a girls Night! Right Hinata?"
"Y-Yes that s-sounds fun!"


"Okay so enjoy girls! Goodnight!"
"Goodnight" Hinata and Sakura Said back to Kankuro who then exittet the room
He had just showed Naruto his room, and that was where Naruto was now, and that was where Kankuro headed After he Said Goodnight to the girls
-Naruto was in room 53
- the girls were in room 54
Witch was right next to each other

"Naruto!" Kankuro called out in the room, luckyly the walls were thick so there was No chance of the girls hearing them "Huh?! Wah! Kankuro what is it?!" Naruto asked now a bit angry
"What's going on with you?!" Kankuro yelled at a now confused Naruto "what do you mean?" Kankuro sighed at Naruto and began to explain
"You were acting so awkward towards Hinata today, and something so Big was on your mind you feel from a tree!"
Now Naruto Got it! But he still tried to avoid the problem, but he couldn't come up with an excuse to he just stayed quiet


Naruto and Kankuro was now sitting cross legged on the floor, and Kankuro had told Naruto that he wouldn't leave before he Got an answer, but due to Naruto's silence and refusal he was kinda afraid of what the answer actually was
"N-Naruto you're scaring me a little.."
"C'mon just say something!"
"If you do I'll treat you ramen"
Now Kankuro was scared! Naruto gad even lost the urge to eat ramen 24/7
Something was wrong

But Naruto however was near his end..he needed to tell someone, do Why couldn't Kankuro be the one?

"Hinata confessed her love to me"
That was not what Kankuro had expectet, in fact he had expectet something a lot worse. And finding out a Girl was in love with you was great in kankuro's eyes
"But that was about a year ago..and i still havn't given her an answer"
Scratch that! This was bad
"How Can Hou be such a idiot!!"
"Hey Hey! Right After i went on a rampage with Kurama and i simply forgot! But i can't tell her that.."
"Why not?"
"I imagne it isn't so Nice to get told someone forgot your confession"
"Yeah probably! But it's better than being given the silence treatment!"
"But i still don't know what to say!"
"Say what you feel dumbass!!"
"BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL!!!!" Naruto yelled byt quickly clasped his hands over his mouth, that may have been too loud
Maybe even High enough for the girls to hear
"Shhhhhh! Not so loud!" Kankuro scolded

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