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~~Sam POV~~

As soon as I hung up, I ran up the stairs and into my room. I searched all over my room for my over night bag. "Where the hell did I put it?" I said, thinking out loud. A sudden thought hit me, as I reached to search under the bed. Sure enough, it was there. I pulled it out and brushed the dust off of it. I opened the drawers on my dresser and pulled out a few pairs of clothes. I put them into bag and grabbed some books and a few video games, just incase. I headed out the door and walked down the stairs. I passed the living room and made sure the tv and lights were off. I turned off the rest of the lights and headed towards the door. I grabbed the house keys off the key ring and headed out the door, locking it behind me. I walked down the porch steps and took a deep breath as my feet hit the sidewalk. I looked around and thought "Maybe this won't be so bad after all" I made my way to the Novak house, pulling my jacket tighter around me because of the chill in the air. I was halfway there when I bumped into someone. "Watch it, short stack" I heard a gruff voice say. I looked up to see none other than the dreaded Balthazar. "Sorry" I muttered, trying to push past him. "Not so fast" he said, as he grabbed a hold of my shirt. He looked me square in the eyes before saying, "Where ya going, pip squeak?" "None of your business", I muttered, avoiding his gaze. "What was that?" he said, anger in his eyes. "I said, none. Of. Your. Business." I explained, finally meeting his intense gaze. He chuckled for a brief second before he swung his fist back and socked me in the jaw. I stumbled to the ground, hand covering my cheek, which was sure to bruise. He towered above me before, turning to walk away. I jumped up and tapped him on his shoulder. As he turned around to face me, I socked him in the nose. I felt the gush of warm blood on my hand and the sickening crack of his nose. He dropped to the ground clutching his nose, as I took off towards the Novak house. I found the house a few blocks away and ran up the stairs of the porch, stopping to catch my breath. Once I could breathe normally again, I knocked on the door. I waited a few moments, before the door swung open. Gabe was standing in the doorway. We exchanged a quick "hello" before he stepped aside to let me in. I brushed past him and made my way towards what I assumed was the living room. I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked around the massive house. I saw Dean on the couch with who I assumed was 'Castiel'. Dean turned towards me and his eyes widened with concern. He ran over to me, almost yelling in my face. "What the hell happened, Sam?!" he exclaimed, checking out my bruise on my cheek and jawline. I sighed, getting ready to explain myself, knowing he wouldn't calm down unless I told him.

~~Dean POV~~

I was sitting on the couch with Cas when I heard a knock on the door. Gabe had joined us in the living room and was sitting in the recliner. He jumped up to answer the door, leaving us alone. I heard him open the door and say a quick "hello" to whoever was there. I heard foot steps, so I turned around to see who it was. I saw Sammy standing there with a giant bruise on his cheek and blood on his hands. Anger filled my thoughts as I ran up to him with concern. "What the hell happened Sam?!" I exclaimed, checking out his bruise. He sighed as he got ready to tell his story. "Well, I was walking here when I bumped into Balthazar." I saw Cas stiffen on the couch when he mentioned that name. I motioned for Sam to continue. "Well, he started calling me names and then he asked me where I was going. I told him it wasn't any of his business. He got mad and socked me in my jaw. He turned to leave, but before he could, I socked him in the nose, might've even broken it." Sam said as gingerly touched his cheek. I just nodded, not wanting to start an argument. I knew how Sam never liked me to get into his business. "Well, you need to wash that blood off your hands and you'll probably need an ice pack so your cheek doesn't swell up" I told him as he looked up at me. He nodded and Gabe led him to the bathroom. Cas got up off the sofa and turned to me. "I'll get him an ice pack. Do you want a snack or anything?" I nodded and said "yeah, thanks" and then sat on the couch.

~~Cas POV~~

I headed into the kitchen to grab an ice pack and some snacks. I opened the cabinets and grabbed a some big bags of Funyuns and Doritos. I grabbed some sodas out of the fridge and placed them on the table. Sam came walking into the kitchen, so I grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer and wrapped it in a towel. I handed it to him so he could hold it on his cheek. He walked out of the kitchen with a quick "thanks" and headed up the stairs to meet Gabe. I gathered the chips and the drinks in my arms. I walked back into the living room and placed the snacks on the coffee table. I sat down next to Dean and opened up the chip bags. I handed Dean his soda and popped the top on mine. I took a long sip before placing my drink on the coffee table. I propped my feet on the coffee table and leaned back into the sofa. I grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. I came across a movie called 'The Conjuring' "Up for some scary movies?" I said as I turned my head to face Dean. "Yeah" he said, not looking me in the eyes. I could see the excitement on his face though. I clicked on the channel and placed the remote on the table. "So, you like scary movies?" I questioned. Dean turned to look at me "Yeah, they're a guilty pleasure of mine actually. I have a whole collection of them." He said, excitement in his voice. "Have you ever seen this one?" I said, curiosity getting the better of me. "Uh, no I haven't. I've been meaning to though"he said. i just nodded and watched the tv as the movie started. Id already seen this movie so I snuck glances at Dean. I loved seeing him jump and his eyes widen when something jumped out. I felt him scoot closer to me. I tensed for a second and realized he was falling asleep. I lowered the volume on the tv and started to nod off. I slightly readjusted myself before falling asleep completely.

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