The Whiskey

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Dean was driving the impala down to The Roadhouse. He couldn't believe that Cas thought he would cheat on him, I mean sure he's done it before Cas, but that was different. Cas made him into someone better, someone he could stand to look at in the mirror. Dean sighed and parked in his usual spot in the parking lot. He hit his hands on the steering wheel before he opened the door and stepped out of the car. He opened the door to the bar and stepped inside, waving at the blonde tending the bar. He made his way to the counter and say down. "Evening, Jo." He smiled warmly at her.
"Sup, Winchester, What'll it be?"
Dean pondered for a moment before answering "Just line up some shots of whiskey for me" He settled on.
"Well, well, Winchester. Haven't done anything like that in awhile" She teased.
"Alright, alright, just get my shots before I tell your mom you're slacking off" He teased right back.
Jo curtseyed and turned to the shelves to reach for the bottle of whiskey "As you wish, M'lord"

Dean was about, well hell, he lost count with how many shots he took, when his phone started to buzz. He looked at the bright screen and recognized Castiel's number. He pressed the call button and presses the phone to his ear. "Mm' hello Cas."
"Dean a- are you at a bar?!"

"Yeah, and so what?"

"Are you drinking because of what I said, because I wouldn't believe you?"

Dean started to laugh, snorted, and then caught his breath.
"No, honey, you ain't worth the whiskey"
And with that, he hung up on him and downed another shot.

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