You Aint Worth

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"Daddy, have you and Papa ever fought?" Morgan asked, seated at their dining table, eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
"Well, sure hunny. Every relationship has a few fights here and there, keeps everything interesting." Dean said, playfully winking at her. Morgan finished chewing before she started speaking,
"Like, I don't know, your first big fight. I mean, there's always a first for everything, right?" Now, Morgan was smart for her age and always questioned deeper than most kids but her dads were usually happy to reply to her endless inquiries. "Um, I guess I could tell you that one, a-as long as your dad's ok with it too?" Dean turned to look at Cas, who nodded in approval.
"Ok, let's see. Well, it was a normal, or thought to be normal, Friday night. I was going out with some friends and your father had some suspicions that I was "cheating" on him. We ended up arguing and I decided to walk out before we both said something we regretted. But, boy did I regret how it went down...."

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