The first building was a bust. It was an old farmhouse hidden in a wasted corn field. The only thing remotely supernatural were the two teenagers holed up in one of the rooms. You'd never be able to remove that image from your mind.

The second building was empty as well. Luckily, there weren't any horny teenagers in this one, just empty beer bottles and empty cigarette packs.

When you arrived to the third building, you automatically knew it was the right place. A few cars were lined up outside of the old, rundown church (I'm not even going to mention the irony in that) and a few candles were flickering in the shattered windows.

You stepped out of your truck, unsheathed your machete and silently made your way to the building. You crouched down low and underneath the window. You could hear the low hum of voices coming from inside. Taking a deep breath, you slipped out from under the window and around the church. You spotted a side door and decided that would be your best bet to get inside. Before you could reach it however, a body tackled you from behind.

You landed on your stomach, the air knocked out of you. You struggled underneath the weight on top of you, able to finally bring your elbow up to the vamp's face. He grunted and you shoved him of you, swiping your blade through the air and taking his head off in one swift motion.

You scrambled back to your feet and slipped inside, the smell hitting you in the face like a ton of bricks. The metallic scent of blood burned your nose and you had to suppress the urge to gag when you saw a severed hand a few feet away from you. You shook out your limbs and ventured forward, bringing your machete at the ready.

You moved through the building with ease. This obviously was a newer nest, the vampires inexperienced fighters. There were a bit more than you'd thought, maybe closer to thirteen. But it wasn't anything you couldn't handle.

They weren't all in one room which made it easier. You moved swiftly from room to room, ganking each of the bloodsucking freaks as you came across them. It was when you came to the last room that you had your work cut out for you.

This guy was obviously the leader. His fighting skills were much more evolved than the rest. He was able to get the upper hand on you at one point, having stabbed your right leg with a broken metal pipe. Blood seeped from the wound and the pain flared through your entire right side, but you were able to catch him off guard by stabbing a needle into his neck, filling him with dead man's blood. Once he was weak, you slashed your blade through his neck.

"Fuck," You hissed as you pulled the pipe out of your leg. You tore off the hem of your shirt and wrapped it around the top of your thigh, tying it as tight as you could, creating a makeshift tourniquet. You bit your lip from crying out as you took a step. It was going to be a treat getting back to your car.

You limped slowly to your truck, hoping to God you wouldn't pass out before you got there. Sliding in behind the wheel, you let out a breath of relief. You groaned when you realized you'd have to use your right leg to drive.

You collapsed onto your bed, exhaustion washing over you like a damn tsunami. You knew you had to take care of the wound on your leg but you were so tired, which was most likely from the blood loss.

You sighed and sat up, deciding to just get it over with. You shimmied out of your jeans, wincing when the fabric rubbed against the open wound. After your tourniquet was released, the blood began to flow faster and you knew you had to get this sewed up as fast as possible.

Biting onto your belt to keep from screaming, you poured rubbing alcohol over the gash. You squeezed your eyes shut at the intense pain but kept going. You gently cleaned the blood from your skin and cleaned the wound thoroughly. You winced when the needle pierced your skin and you reached over for your bottle of whisky. You took a large sip from it, welcoming the burning feeling at the back of your throat as the liquid ran down and warmed your insides. You continued your task, the needle going in and out of your skin much slower than you liked. But it hurt like a bitch and you weren't sure you could go any faster.

You were light headed when you finished, the amount of blood lost taking its toll in you. You wrapped up your thigh and took another drink. Finally, you were finished.

You groaned when there was a knock on your door. Who the hell would that be? Not bothering to put on pants, you stood from your position on the bed, grabbing the headboard to steady yourself. Black spots dotted your vision and your head became fuzzy.

You slowly made your way to the door, taking caution at your limited strength. You unlocked the door and creaked it open, peeking your head around to keep your lower half of your body out of sight. You leaned your sweaty temple against the door and raised an eyebrow at your visitors.

"How the hell did you find me?" You croaked. You were having trouble standing and your head pounded like a mother fucker.

"It wasn't easy," Sam replied. Bobby looked at you with a bewildered expression.

"The hell happened to you?" He asked. You smirked and shrugged

"Life," You said. "Why are you here?"

"Look, don't freak out, okay?" Sam said. You squint your eyes at him in confusion.

"'Fuck you talking about?" You asked. Before he could answer, someone moved out from the shadows in front of Bobby and Sam. You felt the air leave your lungs as your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. You took in the sandy brown hair, the long bowlegs and the soft smile on his plump, pink lips. When your Y/E/C eyes finally met his leaf green ones, you felt your heart stop.

"Hey, sweetheart," Dean breathed. Your breath caught in your throat at the sound of his husky voice. But before you could say anything, your vision spotted once more. Your eyes rolled back into your head and you collapsed.

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