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-Maggie's POV-

"Do you believe me now?" Tristan asked me as I walked out of first period. He was right on my heel's, to close for my liking.

"Believe what Tristan? There is nothing going on! Some how you did something to my eyes and I don't know why or how but I don't want to know! I want all of this to stop!" I yell at him turning around so he could see my face and I could see his.

His narrowed eyes become normal again and a mischevious grin crossed the bottom of his face. "So," He quirked an eyebrow at me, "Your power's have developed. Tell me, what kind did you get?"

"I didn't get anything!" I yell, yanking at my hair, "I just want you to leave me alone!"

His eyes become narrowed again, "Oh Maggie, I really wish I could, do you think I like talking to you and following you around all day?"


"No." He says, lifting his hand to shush me, "I don't even care. You are coming with me whether you like it or not."

"Okay." I spit out before I could stop my self, and as soon as I say it, I know I didn't mean too.

My feet begin to follow him through the building. I wanted to scream but only silence greeted me. He would stop every so often and wink at me. He had put me on some kind of spell.

What am I talking about? This is the real world we are talking about. There is no such thing as magic and spells, but then, how is he doing this to me?

We reach outside and I follow him, against my will, to some car.

"Get in." He tell's me blankly, opening the door which my body goes into and sits, "Now tell me what have you got so far?"

Shit, so far?

"I don't know." I answer truthfully without meaning too, "All I know is that I almost broke Jessica's car door when I closed it, oh and I broke the button when I pressed it, like I had gotten all this strength."

He thought about this as he got into the car, turning on the engine and backing out of the car door.

"I see." He said, "Okay, you are done."

I feel the muscles in my body relax and I close my eyes, letting the peace of being free of my actions run through me again. I felt drenched with sleepiness and it was all I could not to fall asleep.

"What did you do?" I whisper with my eyes still close.

"That's my power." He responded, "I can control people, but not as much as you are going to be able to do, I can only do it for a short while, if that, I was lucky I got you as far as I did."

Now that I am trapped in the car with him, I should at least be able to get some anwser's on what the hell is going on.

"Why are my eye's violet but your's gold?" I ask him.

"It marks our spots in the system." He responded, "My eye's are gold because it mark's that I am a mentor for the Puissance. You eyes are violet because you are the Puissance. Think of them as name tags for jobs. They let everyone know our positions."

"Then why do I have to wear sunglasses?" I pressed, confused on this whole situation.

He gripped the steering wheel and let out a laugh, "I meant our society, not regular humans. Regular human's aren't even supposed to know you or I exist, but sense they do, we have to keep everything to a minimum."

"Are we still humans?" I asked him, my forehead wrinkling in confusion, he was starting to give me a headache, and my eye lids were starting to drift shut.

"Yes. In a way." He turns his head slightly to the side while still watching the road in front of me, "Why don't you take a nap and I will wake you up later."

He was right, I should take a nap, I was tired. He knew what ever he did to make me get in this car would also drain my energy. He was right...


"No Rose." Tristan's voice blasted through my dream of One Direction giving me free clothes at Forever 21, "I can't tell her everything yet, she understands the juts of it, even though she still doesn't really believe me."

I shifted but kept my eyes closed, hoping he would still think I'm asleep.

"Yes, I know I tried to explain the eye thing but she didn't really get it, at least I tricked her into the car, and falling a sleep. The bitch is really getting on my nerves."


"Yes I know." He say's again, "Why can't someone else do it?"

This is my cue to wake up I guess. I shift again and let out a loud yawn, stretching in the unconformable car seat.

"She's awake Rose, I have to go, love you, goodbye." He hangs up the phone and turns to me.

"Morning Maggie, i trust you slept well?" He asked me, switching from the rude voice with the girl on the phone, to a polite one.

"It was pleasant, yes." I reply, "Who was on the phone?"

"My sister." He told me, "She will be one of your mentors."

Mentors, okay. With every answer he gives me much more questions. I don't say anything to me, if I am going to have to deal with him for the next couple hours I might as well be civil.

"Tristan?" I poke him in his shoulder, he winces from my strength, "Oops, sorry."

"It's okay." He replied through gritted teeth.

"Where are we going, I have to get back home for supper tonight and-"

"Maggie." He cut me off, "You aren't going to be back home tonight." He let's out a long sigh, "You won't be going back home for a while now."

 "Pardon?" I turn to him, blinking a couple times.

"I've already told you, you are becoming a full Puissance now, and we can't give away your identity. You are to live with me until it is safe for you to return back home."

I sigh in defeat, I will try and maybe escape later, but now what can I do? 

"Where is your house?" I rub my hands roughly along my face.

"Don't do that." He lifts one hand up and grabs onto my arms, pulling them down, "It's in North Carolina, in a tiny town."

"North Carolina!" I almost choke on my own breath, "Shit! How long  have I been out for?"

"Sixteen hours." He says, nodding when I open my eyes wide in surprise, "We should be there soon."

"May I ask one more question?"

"Sure, whatever." Tristan shrugs and keeps his eyes on the car in front of us with the New Jersey licence plate.

"Why now?" I ask, "Why all of the sudden?"

He frowns, "The old Puissance, Jacquelyn, died a week ago. We had known you were going to take over her spot for a couple year's now and we have been preparing, and we weren't really sure what we supposed to do. All the Puissance's but you have been born with it, so it was tradition to raise the baby knowing what it was, but with you, you are so used to regular human life we had no idea what to expect."

"Jacquelyn was visited by Alexandra if I recall, she's the god that helps the Puissance's through their passing lives. Cleopatra is the god that is the mentor for the Puissance's. Her eye's are also gold if you were wondering."

I bite my lip and try to process all this information in my head. Maybe he wasen't lying, or what if this is all this a huge prank on me?

"We are here."

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