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Mom releases me from her hug.

"Well, we have to get started on this wedding right?" Mom questions.

"Most defiantly." Says Gus taking a sip of his coffee. He tightens his face after the brutal taste, then pretends it never happened. Mom grabs the phone off of the holster and punches in a number.

"Who are you calling?" I ask.

"Dad," she replies me with.

"Hello, the wedding is on, he proposed, yes, okay, no, really, we can, ok, bye." She hangs up.

"We need a date," says mom, "dad wants to tell grandma about the wedding and when it is, also you need a best man, brides maid, flower girl, ring barer, ugh! Weddings, so much time, so much work, so much money!"

Gus nods.

"Calm down mom. We will call Isaac and ask if he wants to be the best man. Gus' little cousins can be the flower girl and ring barer." I say.

"Brides maid?" I guess I never thought of that, I haven't really had any friends besides Isaac. I hang out with his girlfriend, Kelli, a lot. I can ask her.

"Kelli," I reply.

"Kelli? Really?"

"Yes, Kelli. She is my best girl-friend and I don't know anyone else. So Kelli."

"Ok, I have to go now, so much to do! I will call you later and we can talk more. Bye, love you!" She walks out of the house. I sigh, then look at Gus.

"I want a small wedding, just are families and close friends in the wedding."

"Ok," Gus replies, "I will call Isaac and ask, you call Kelli, and hold the extended family calls." I know dad already called grandma, but we can fix that later.

I call up Kelli and she said yes. She wants to come and talk later, but I might say no and just take a nap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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