After Dinner

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We finish our meals and pay the bill. Then we slowly walk out the door, hand-in-hand. Gus leads me to the bench, just like the one in Amsterdam, and we sit down. He pulls me onto to his lap, just like in Amsterdam. We smile at each other, just like in Amsterdam. Can life get better? Gus lifts me off of his lap, and sets me back down on the bench.

"Hazel," he says. " I love you." I smile at him.

"I love you too," I say in reply.

"You are perfect and I want to be with you forever." My thoughts are jumbling. Is he going to propose? Is this why we went to A Night In France? Oh my god.

"Will you, Hazel Grace Lancaster, marry me? I know we are really young and all, bu-"

Without hesitation, I say "Yes, I will marry you, Augustus." Tears of joy rush from my eyes like a waterfall and we kiss. It feels good. I love Gus with all my heart and we can be together now... Forever.

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