Chapter 2

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This one's Ella.

"BANG!" I jumped in alarm looking around "Who's there?!"

It was dark, I saw two tall shadows " AAAHH." I screamed. Suddenly, someone handcuffed me from behind " Shut up." The person said. " Jerks, what do you want from us?! We didn't do anything!" Bella shouted trying to get out of his hold. *slap* "You bastard!" I yelled at him. "Don't get on my nerves." He said dragging us downstairs.

We went down to find the old man smiling triumphantly at us. "Asshole, give me back my 50 dollars!" Bella yelled angrily. "Fuck you, rot in hell!" I shouted.

We kept struggling and trying break free, but they were very strong so we failed. "You're so troublesome." The one holding me said. "Let's just drug them." The one holding Bella said and went to the car "Found it!" He exclaimed and came back, "Night, bitches." He sprayed it.

It smelt weird, I started feeling dizzy then fell unconscious.

Bella P.O.V

*Screams* "Run! Get some help!" "Daddy! Mommy!" "Bella honey don't worry about us! Just get out of here!" "No! I won't leave you! Mommy!" "Listen to me! *cough* go *cough*" she fainted. "Mommy don't leave me alone!"

We were looking at the burned house, smoke was coming from everywhere. We watched their bodies being carried on stretchers and we went to their side crying hysterically "St-ic-k togeth-er, be con-fiden-t, you a-re strong." That was Ella's mother's last words before she died.

Funeral :

Me and Ella were wearing black dresses holding each other's hand and sticking close, trying to avoid the harsh looks that everyone was giving us. " Did you know? They were the ones that started the fire." "Really?! They must be devils to do that to their own parents"The woman said glaring at us, we flinched and went away from them.

One of the boys from our school approached us but then his mom appeared and said "Don't get near them, they're a curse." "They're evil." "Heartless." "We can't leave them living with us, they're dangerous." "I don't want them near my kids or my house."

"STOOOP!" I woke up sweating and panting, I felt someone rubbing my back "Same nightmare?" Ella said hugging me and we cried in each other's arms.

The cell's door opened "Come with me, don't try to run or there will be consequences." I rolled my eyes then smiled at Ella, she smiled back.

We got out if the cell "Now!" I shouted to Ella and we pushed the guard inside the cell locking the door. "You won't get out of here easily, I will shout and they'll hear me!" The guard yelled. "You can't lie to us, we know that this place is soundproof." Ella smirked. "Smart bitches." He grumbled.

We found two guns in the guard's desk and took them with us. We sneaked upstairs "Freeze!" Someone shouted from behind us, we turned around grabbing our guns and shot them.

We broke into a sprint, guards from everywhere started chasing us. We heard tearing sounds, and when we looked behind there were wolves chasing us! They jumped on us so I reached for my gun and shot the wolf on top of me in the stomach, Ella did the same and we ran inside a room. "We finally got away." I said panting."Yes, but we have to get out. Search for a window!" Ella said "A window?" I asked incredulous. "I mean an escape." We sweat dropped.

"Ehem" someone cleared their throat. We turned around and my eyes made contact with a pair of beautiful blue eyes "Mate." He growled and my eyes widened in shock.

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