1 the crappy dream-tale thing

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And... Start!

A blurb about nightmare and why he stayed sane as long as he did (I'll come up with a better name later.)

Nightmare strode through the hall, looking bone-tired and, well, nightmarish. He walked into his dark throne room and took a seat in the carefully carved black goo.

"Where. Is. My. Guard,"  He asked. "My hired work force is unbelievably lazy. WHERE. IS. HE."

"He's right here, your majesty."

He was concealed by the shadows of a noticeably goopy pillar. "Hahaha, very funny. Why aren't the schedules in my hands? And why was I NOT notified about the new crack in dream's prison?" (Waving his hand at him)

"It was not thought of as necessary, Nightmare. Or would you rather have me sing your name?"

As he walked toward the throne, he replied. "Piss off, Horror. Go supervise the slave's work, where you belong."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Now I hope you rot away on that pile of shit. You definitely deserve it." (As he was walking toward the chair he swung his axe and it embedded itself into Nightmares chest, over where his soul would be)

"Ok, now do you want to be a whiny little brat and not get your axe back or do you want to be a good little dog? (Dislodging and tossing the axe at one of the empty eyed slaves in the room)

"Alright, Nightmare.....You have foreign material leaking out of your chest. Is that... wood? Wow, haven't seen that in a while."

"Bye, Horror. Have fun barking at the...huh. Haven't seen this in a while. So that's where it was hiding."

Horror turned around to see Nightmare rolling a small wooden medallion carved with a black apple in the center, gazing as if he was remembering something.

"What is that?"

"This? It's none of your concern. Just remembering a dead time."

(I might make it a different character, like Killer or Dust. I was aiming for a slightly refined way of speech. Slightly) As Horror Sans walked out grumbling, Nightmare stared at the little wooden circle and traced its curves, leaving black and blue slime caking the edges.

A memory~

It's light. And green. And so beautiful! There are children playing (humans and monsters alike), you can see Dream talking with his many admirers, and The Tree is bursting with fruit, one side bright yellow, shining like fallen stars and the other, dark and glossy and if you look closely, of all different hues (black, silver, purple, green, red, but all with a mainly dark/black base). Gorgeous. Like jewels cut from hell.

...And you can see Nightmare, sitting in a fairly hidden branch, twirling a black and blue apple around. He sighs, stands up (on the branch), and teleports down and motions his brother to a quiet spot.

"Hey Nightmare! What's up?"


"I know, I know, I'm just trying to make 'light' (the joke comes later) of the situation. You know the tour only lasts a week, right? You'll make it through, you always do!"

"Dream, it sucks... I didn't do anything to them, right? Why do they hate me? Aren't I helping them?"

"You just gotta get through it bud. Hey listen I-"


"Oh yeah, sorry bro I have to go. Remember, you got this! Talk to ya later ok?"

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